The Shaving Cadre

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Package precautions?


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
Just curious. I received a package that was shipped from France. Should I be taking any precautions before opening it? I did douse the outside of the package with Lysol upon receiving it, and just figured I'd sit on the package for a few days prior to opening it. I know the virus can only live on surfaces for up to a few days depending on what it is.... So I'm sure in the time it took to arrive here from overseas, there's little to no chance of anything being alive on it or in it. But given the circumstances I'm OK with being over-cautious.

Was that over-kill or is there anything else I should be doing?
Probably you did better than I've been doing and I should give heed to it. But just in case if you want to send that gibbs razor over to me I'll take care of it 😉 Let me know if it is the aluminum version when you do open it.
I think you’ve done all the recommended stuff; whether it truly helps or not idk 🤷‍♂️

We’ve forgone that, perhaps absentmindedly, and just opened things as they came in.

You may now enjoy the fruits of your ordering...
Probably you did better than I've been doing and I should give heed to it. But just in case if you want to send that gibbs razor over to me I'll take care of it 😉 Let me know if it is the aluminum version when you do open it.
@Dave in KY you really are the all seeing aren't you!
I completely Lysol spray and wiped an entire washer and dryer set...even the cat didn't get away...install guys laughed and grunted their approval. If anything survived that well, all the power to it.
I think disinfecting the touchpoints on the outside isn’t a bad idea. The French connection aside, it’s travel through the postal/courier service undoubtedly exposes it to any number of worldly pathogens. The goods inside have probably aged well but with wipes on hand you can always give the contents a wipe down too. I’m generally not too worried about packages and such but anything international is usually delivered by a guy that gives me the willies on a good.