The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ok really?

I have seen an influx of Rockwell adverts on social media lately and they all just seem a little..."artificial."
He ain't cutting whiskers at that angle. And if he sneezes all the lather will fly off his face with how dry it is
He ain't cutting whiskers at that angle. And if he sneezes all the lather will fly off his face with how dry it is
I dunno Chad. He's on the ad and we're not. Maybe he's on to something? Certainly seems like a new video series for you though.
He ain't cutting whiskers at that angle. And if he sneezes all the lather will fly off his face with how dry it is
I was thinking he wasn't far off the angle you shave at 😂 I'm sure it's just how it looks on video and not reality but looked similar 😉
I was thinking he wasn't far off the angle you shave at 😂 I'm sure it's just how it looks on video and not reality but looked similar 😉
You’re right. It does look like that when chad shaves.