The Shaving Cadre

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No Shave November 2019?


I Blame Dave
This was a non-starter for most of you last year but I thought I would ask anyway...anyone (else) participating in No Shave November 2019? If not the No Shave November maybe you're doing the 'stache thing ...MoVember?

Sounds like sacrilege I know but I am actually participating in No Shave November in support of cancer awareness and prevention (screening). As my facial hair grows, those who know me and my passion for shaving soap and putting raw steel to my face and scraping the beard growth from my face daily will ask me why my beard grows ...making my message about the impact cancer has had on my family and how valuable screening can be in ensuring the future impact and the impact they and their loved ones face is mitigated, more impactful.

How will I survive you ask? Well, I am doing full face latherings with a variety of soaps twice daily, followed by a light application of post shave or beard oil and a liberal splash of my favorite aftershave. Basically I am doing everything but shaving. I plan to get some honing done this month so when I DO start shaving in December I will have some fresh edged to enjoy.

A side benefit of No Shave November is the ease in which I have been able to adapt to the time change!

Any one else not shaving this month?
I guess you have two that are on-board with you!

I've done no shave November every year pretty much since I began Shaving. This year however I have decided to go the Movember route because I just have to much good stuff to use this year. I promise to post a pic at the end of the month no matter how horrible I end up looking!
Last time I grew out facial hair.... I hated it. Can't do it again.
Last time I grew out facial hair.... I hated it. Can't do it again.
Makes the Spider-Man mask all pokey too I imagine. you grow actual whiskers or is it like a mass of tangled webs?

Funny thing about how memorable and/or how much attention an occasional growth can be. I have allowed my beard to grow exactly ONE time before ...last November and would you believe my super attentive 17 year old daughter (whom I was teaching to drive at the time) has NO memory of the month long beard?! She seriously said (interrupted the conversation I was having with my wife about growing out my beard) “hey dad, you should grow a beard, that would be funny since you make shaving soap and are part of a shaving forum and stuff”