The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nice to be on board

This is Bill in Oneida. Dave in KY has rekindled my interest in wet shaving. Years ago I used my dad's straight razor, but somehow got away from wet shaving. I guess I'm back to being a rookie, but I am learning and once again enjoying a good shave. Thank you for letting me join the forum.
Welcome to the Cadre Bill!

There’s a lot of PIFs happening now and more to come this month! So jump on in and hopefully get yourself some new stuff to help you on your new journey.
Welcome to TSC, Bill! Pull up a chair, grab your beverage of choice, and enjoy. What kind of set up do you use?
Thanks Smattayu. Dave in KY gave me a synthetic brush and a tub of Honeybee soap to get started. I bought a Viking Chieftain razor and have been using that. Today Dave gave me a Rockland razor to try out for the next few days and some Gillette Silver Blue Blades.
Welcome to the Cadre Bill !! He has the Rockwell 6s to try for a week or so along with his Viking razor. Want him to see if the 6c would be a good fit.
Glad you found our little corner of the interwebs! You are joining at a great time! A lot going on and you are hard pressed to find a better group of gents and ladies! Welcome to the Cadre!
Hi Bill, welcome! Glad you joined us, we have a good time here. Make yourself comfortable & join in the fun!