The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nice Forum. Howdy from Tejas!

Dave in KY invited me over. I'm loving the format of the forum. Easy on the eyes. I look forward to chatting with everyone.

Welcome Don!

Do you enjoy traditional shaving? What kind of gear do you use?
Welcome to the Cadre Don. We are happy to have you here.
Dave in KY invited me over. I'm loving the format of the forum. Easy on the eyes. I look forward to chatting with everyone.


Yay! Another Don! The Daves and Chrises of the Cadre need to watch out! Us Dons are taking over!

Glad you found your way to the Cadre!
Welcome Don!

Oh great.... another one......
Welcome Don!

Do you enjoy traditional shaving? What kind of gear do you use?

I'm sorry, yes. I do enjoy traditional wet shaving and have been doing so for around 6 or 7 years now (I'm 42 year old). I use a large number of different items. I have a collection of around 50+ razors that I could grab at any point, but I do prefer more mild razors. My most used razor is a Lord L6 head on any number of custom handles. I like big soft brushes, I use a Thater 4125/2 Silver tip bulb most of the time and am trying to get in to synthetic brushes. I have used a RR 400 and really enjoyed it. As far as software is concerned I haven't tried much I don't like. I like hard soaps, soft soaps, and creams. Also I'm an aftershave and cologne addict most of all. :)

Dons unite!
I’m 42 as well. What date code are you? I’m W-2.
I’m 42 as well. What date code are you? I’m W-2.

Yep...W2. The first vintage razor I ever bought was a W2 BH Super Speed. I had no idea what a date code even was. After I brought it home and examined it further, I looked up those strange numbers on the base plate, only to find I had bought my birthday razor.
Yep...W2. The first vintage razor I ever bought was a W2 BH Super Speed. I had no idea what a date code even was. After I brought it home and examined it further, I looked up those strange numbers on the base plate, only to find I had bought my birthday razor.

Wow, that’s a crazy coincidence on your razor. I had to hunt mine down.
I'm sorry, yes. I do enjoy traditional wet shaving and have been doing so for around 6 or 7 years now (I'm 42 year old). I use a large number of different items. I have a collection of around 50+ razors that I could grab at any point, but I do prefer more mild razors. My most used razor is a Lord L6 head on any number of custom handles. I like big soft brushes, I use a Thater 4125/2 Silver tip bulb most of the time and am trying to get in to synthetic brushes. I have used a RR 400 and really enjoyed it. As far as software is concerned I haven't tried much I don't like. I like hard soaps, soft soaps, and creams. Also I'm an aftershave and cologne addict most of all. :)

Dons unite!

Wonderful! ?
Wonderful to have you here. Watch out for the other Don's, they are up to something and I doubt it's good (or at least not any good for the Chris' of the Cadre)
Welcome aboard Don. Check out the hot pepper challenge. Think of it as a initiation.?