The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Newbie #300 from Idaho


Jr. Shave Member
Just thought I'd introduce myself even though i made some posts already. Healthcare/mental health case manager from Idaho obviously but I've lived in VA/DC and Northern California as well (and Southern France for a bit). Been at DE wet shaving exactly 5 years (I checked the Amazon order dates). Up until 2 months ago or so I had the same setup that whole time and never varied. But recently caught the bug a bit and am branching out, up to 3 razors and brushes now and a half dozen soaps and a blade sample pack. Loving the welcome I've gotten here, I've been a lurker on other forums for years with the same username but never posted enough to feel part of any community.
Another healthcare worker? Thanks for what you do!

What are you favorite setups for shaving currently?
Yeah I spent 8 years as a social worker with the severely mentally ill, for a year now I've been a case manager for a large healthcare company and I work remotely from home which is great in this chaotic time.

As for my favorite setups I'm still working on some new ones since like I said I had the same setup for years which was Merkur 30c/Astra SP/Stirling soap and aftershave balm. Absolutely loving the open comb razor I got from Stirling yesterday but it's remains to be seen if this mornings shave with a feather was the standard or a fluke. But for 24 bucks I love it. Bowl lathered Stirling soap in barbershop or Sandpiper with matching balm is my go to but every other day I'm mixing something up to find my new favorite combination. Finding a blade that gives me a good shave with my new-to-me Timeless aluminum is my big quest.

Yah I tend to ramble lol
Welcome to the Cadre! As #300, I am told that you are going to get a tattoo of the TSC logo 🕺 , eat a bag of the "one chip challenge" chips 🔥 , and ummmm...... there's something else, but I cannot remember it right now. :unsure: