The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

New To Wet Shaving


First Responder
Hello everyone, my name is Mike and I've just been introduced to this forum and wet shaving in general by ShawnF. from here. Thank you for having me!!! Shawn and I are both blacksmiths on another blacksmithing forum and somehow we got to talking about shaving. He showed me his collection of stuff and I have to be honest, I thought it was a really strange hobby at first to be this into shaving as it was something I had to do like brushing my teeth. Shawn generously sent me two PIF packages of samples, a DE razor, blades, soaps, balms, AS etc to try out. I had my own Ever Ready badger brush. The rest is history.

My shaving history started with electrics, then I switched to carts and goo shaving cream. I was never happy with my shaves so I started shaving in the shower. The shaves improved. This may seem weird to some, but I once ran out of razors and had to use my wife's razor. Let me tell you, the razors for women are far better than the Mach 1 men's ones. I routinely was BBS on the face and DFS+ or better on the neck with no or little irritation. We'd share a razor and I started using her shaving cream which was much softer and moisturizing than anything I'd used in the men's world. So for the last 15 years I've shaving with a women's cart and cream and some Vaseline Intensive Care lotion on the face to follow up.

Then comes along Shawn. I started using the Micro Touch DE he sent with Astra blades about a month ago. The first shave was amazing. It felt good, the soap was awesome (Mystic Waters Bay Rum) and dang if I didn't feel like a real man. Although it felt different than the cart shaves, I was getting smoother shaves with the cart. I was having trouble lathering shaving soap, made some adjustments, and Shawn and I made a trade (I'm still working on my end of the trade) for a Simpson Badger hair brush (yes Shawn is way too generous!!)to replace my beat-up Ever Ready I'd had kicking around. I've tried some other soaps, but having started with MW it's hard to compare others to them. I routinely get BBS shaves on the face and DFS+'s on the neck (and I have pretty good beard growth). I'm still reverting back to the cart for clean-up in sensitive areas on the neck, around the lips and under the nose. This morning I forced myself to do the clean-up with the DE and got BBS on the neck with only a few minor irritation issues and nicks. Shawn has been a great help with all my questions, and he really is a good representative of the Cadre and the type of community you all are trying to establish. You folks are a generous bunch, and Shaw exemplified that. Thanks Shawn!

Now I don't feel this hobby is crazy at all. The experience of shaving has value. Being a craftsman, flintknapper, and blacksmith I realize that the things that really matter in life are enjoyed and take time to do. Shaving can be one of those things.

My current shaves:

Razor: Micro Touch DE
Blade: Astra
Soap: Mystic Waters Sandlewood Coconut
Brush: Simpson Badger
Lather Bowl: Plastic Walmart Salsa bowl
AS: Witch Hazel w/ 14% alcohol (cheap Walmart brand)
Cold Water splash (never knew about closing the pores until now!)
Balm: Nivea AS balm (face only)
Welcome Mike! The generosity of the crowd you joined knows no limit. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we were all new at one time or another and all had questions (I still have questions)
Welcome to the Cadre Mike! Nice to gave you here.

Those salsa bowls make great lather bowls!
Welcome aboard Mike. Shawn is held in high regard around here.
Great read, welcome Mike! Kudos to Shawn for getting the ball rolling!
There you go...ruining Shawn's image as a scoundrel! Oh well...I guess even scoundrels can be nice guys too! ?

Glad you found our humble corner of the interwebs...welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome to the rabbit hole! And if it make you feel more comfortable, you can get a DE in pink as well. ?
MW is a great soap and the Coconut Sandalwood scent is killer. Good choice.

Welcome to the Cadre.
Welcome. Great set up Mike, perfect place to start.
You will figure out the sensitive spots and the neck soon enough. A light touch, proper angle and some good stretching (skin) will go far. I have only use MW a few times but I am sure you will it hard to find a better soap, it is known for being far better than average.
Shawn is held in high regard around here.
There you go...ruining Shawn's image as a scoundrel! Oh well...I guess even scoundrels can be nice guys too!

It's bad enough Mike is ruining my rep, I don't need you guys starting rumors too....

Nice to see you on here Mike!!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Sorry Shawn, now you've got to really build up that reputation again

I lurked here for a good long while after Shawn told me about the forum. You were at 99 members and I was thinking of becoming #100 to force the shave of one of the owners but someone beat me to it. I'm learning a lot by just reading and watching the videos. Waiting for my chance to try a SE razor Shawn sent me to see how I like it.
Yeah yeah.... See what you started now!?!? Now you are going to have to come strike for me to make it up.