The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

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Hi, I'm Rob. I'm married to a great woman that I've been with for more than half of my life. I have three kids and five grandchildren(with a sixth on the way.) I've worked for the same company for 15 years. My job is on the technical side of the business. My work is usually carried out in the evenings and nights. I am not a vampire, but may look like a ghoul by the time I get home from work in the wee hours. My shaves are usually after my shower when I'm done with work, so that is normally a quiet time for me while everyone else is still asleep.

I started this traditional wet shaving adventure three years and five months ago. I got into this in search of a better shave. I was down to maybe one shave per week by the time I was done with cartridges, because shaving was such a miserable chore for me. I also told my wife that it would be cheaper. What a laugh that last part is!

My first razors were the Merkur 34C HD and a Feather Popular. After those two, I seemed to acquire a fairly extensive pile of vintage DE's, SE's, and injector razors. Vintage Gillette razors and Schick Injector razors seemed to really click for me. There have been some contemporary razors along the way, as well. The last razor acquisition was a couple of weeks ago: a Blackland Blackbird SB, machine finish, stainless steel razor. Oh, boy! I've been running vintage razors for so long that I'm a little confused now. The Blackbird might be the RAD killer for me!

There are only about a couple dozen shaving brushes in my den. They range from very reasonable synthetic and boar bristle brushes up to some more expensive 2-Band and Silvertip badger hair brushes. They all work pretty well to build a lather for a shave. Some of the cheaper outperform the more expensive, believe it or not.

OK, I've stalled long enough. Probably the worst acquisition disorder for me is shaving soap. There's probably a couple hundred plus shaving soaps(and some creams) in my den. I love the variety of using all of the various scents and textures of the lather from each different soap and soap base. It's become an utter obsession for me. I like trying new soap bases from established makers or the new artisans on the scene. Commercial? Vintage/NOS? Artisan? Yes. Yes. And, YES!

Anyway, Like others on here, the ritual and the variety of the shaves are great, but the true enjoyment comes from the camaraderie. I've made a lot of friends along the way. I truly enjoy helping in whatever small way that I can and sharing what knowledge or experience I've had along this journey. Sometimes, I might even share shaving soap.(if you can pry it away from me! lol)
Rob welcome to TSC! Glad you made it over here. Happy to have another man in love with soaps here... There's only a few of us lol
Cvargo said:
...Happy to have another man in love with soaps here... There's only a few of us lol

Yeah, right, Chad! We could probably start a support group!

It's good to be here! Thanks!
Welcome Rob. Always good to have folks show me soaps I don’t know that I need yet.
Great to have another soap-a-phile here on the forum, welcome to the Cadre, Rob!
Welcome Rob! Man, I've got to make some more progress on my soap collection. I've slowed down on the wet shaving acquisitions, and you are all leaving me in the dust lol.
Welcome Rob. I don't understand the soap obsession. I pretty much 3017 each soap I use. Maybe I just need to learn more from you all.
The Monkey said:
Welcome Rob. I don't understand the soap obsession. I pretty much 3017 each soap I use. Maybe I just need to learn more from you all.

Thanks for the welcome, John!

Every single shaving soap provides its own unique experience! All of the different scents and lather texture/feel! The challenge that some bring to get the absolute best out it! The ease which some spill forth creamy, luxurious lather!

Whew! I'll be back! I need to go browse: Maggard's, Italian Barber, Mystic Water, Mike's Natural, and Barrister and Mann!
Welcome on!

I guess the positive side of SAD is that you’ll never be unclean or smelly?
GearNoir said:
Welcome on!

I guess the positive side of SAD is that you’ll never be unclean or smelly?

No doubt, Chris!

Now, if I can get my sweet, young, and lovely to look at it that way.