The Shaving Cadre

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New From Italian Barber Soon


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
If there is anything IB has taught us, it is that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a beautiful Stainless Steel razor. They are getting ready to launch this soon:


I have been eyeing one of those style of razors for awhile. Other pictures show you can use it as a shavette or a DE. I will definitely be picking one of these up.
I’m a bit disappointed at these offerings this time around, honestly. The shavette/DE seems more novelty. The heads on both seem immense.

I’d have preferred to see more diversification of the Mamba and GC.
Yea I agree it looks bulky especially compared to the Razorine which it is modeled after I'm assuming.
I have used a razorine, not bad, would never use one in the shop not for me
We live in an age where novelty works on many purchasers.

I love IB, but I admit Joe is a pro at creating hype for something that isn’t always that special. He is very good at marketing. It will sell. I have the Razorine and the handle is it’s big weakness. I assume he figured that out.
I am a guy who is dazzled by shinny things...yes it might be novelty...and if purchased...I may only use it once...but such is life!
If the price is under $30 I will probably pick one up, just because of curiosity.
Point of correction - these two are machined aluminum razors. Their price point is under $40 which is the price point of their other machined aluminum razors like the MJ90 and Baby Smooth. The one on the bottom is called the El Lobo which looks more like a Charcoal Goods razor, but the name would connote another possible attempt to clone the Wolfman. The "convertable" on top is just the El Lobo head that was thickened on the base plate. I will probably be picking up one of these, I just haven't decided which just yet.