The Shaving Cadre

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Need Cadre input: Okay. Okay. Okay. I may be OCD. What is your preferred material for DE and SE modern razors?


Master TSC Shave Member
After my brain event in May 2023, it became apparent that my shaving days w/ DE and SE razors might be limited. :(

As such, I started to pare down my collection to those on the list below. It appears that I prefer SE/DE razors made from 316L SS. It seems to me that I can still move on all of the non-316L razors leaving 9. These are the razors I reach for most. Even w/ 9, this is a 1st world problem.

What are your thoughts? Do you have a preferred metal for SE/DE razors? Or, is this a crazy thought by an old guy with too much time to contemplate such mundane questions? :unsure: As always, thanks ahead of time. Ciao!

razor list.jpg
I prefer stainless or nickel for plated brass. Not picky as long as the surface doesn’t stain too bad with regular use.
I don't even pay attention to what the razors are made of. I really don't think that matters to the shave. More how the razor holds up to time and abuse. I just prefer to pick razors based on how they shave and for me the milder razors rule. I love my feather AS-D2, but I love the Gillette Tech almost as much. The Mergress is right up there among my favorites too, but it's nearly equal to the Merkur 34HD. The Fatboy will always be my favorite adjustable.