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My Memorial Day Remembrance - A Man I served with, Travis Twiggs


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
Just want to take a moment and remember a man I served with in the Marine Corps and a man I had a lot of respect for...Travis Twiggs. Twiggs has a story that is made for a movie. Actually there is a documentary made called "The Irritable Heart," but sadly it can only be viewed at film festivals for the time being. Twiggs was kind of Man's man...and his subordinates would have followed him to the gates of hell. He was a natural leader...and a great one at that. I have posted this before, so if you have read it it again. It's worth the time. The article talks about Twiggs, how he met a President, his five tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, and most importantly, his struggle with PTSD. Spoiler alert...there is a high speed car chase and things don't end very well.

Take a few minutes today and read about my dearly missed friend...Travis Twiggs.

Thanks all for reading. Unfortunately I have lost more brothers and sisters to war or what war did to them, as well as brothers and sisters who have passed on from other causes.

I feel that it is my duty to remember them.