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Memories of Mother

The Monkey

"I See the Good in Every Shave"
I thought it would be to interesting to start a thread this Mother's day to remember our moms.

Growing up my mom was the one who held the family together. When my dad left us when I was little my mom juggled working and family. She spent many late nights throwing together costumes or cooking cookies for the class projects I had volunteered her for but forgot to tell her about until the night before. At Thanksgiving she would gather us kids together around the uncooked turkey and used it as a puppet. It would dance and sing and then beg us children to spare it's life. We would convince it to hid in the roasting pan. She was always the one to encourage me to do better and would tell others how proud she was of her kids.
I sent her a bouquet of daisies (her favorite flowers) which I have done every mother's day since I was in hight school. I'll set some time to call her later today (she is in TX).
I'm not to proud to say that I love my mom.

What's a memory of your mom that you would like to share?
Very nice sentiment John! I'm much in the same boat as you. My other raised my brother and I by herself. It's refreshing to know that I didn't turn out too screwed up...I can't speak for my brother though... 🤪. One of the things I remember about my mom is that she worked crappy jobs, for crappy pay, but never thought twice about providing for us. She was a book keeper, an EMT, an apartment complex manager, retail, and others. Jobs that at the time were either at or just slightly above minimum wage. Yet my brother an I always had what we needed. wouldn't be where I am at in my life right now without her.
My mom is a special person. I'm lucky to have her still around. Growing up she always put our ambitions and dreams first. She's always shown unconditional love and still to this day does more for me than she should.
Strange that like John and Don my mom raised me and my 3 bothers alone for 7 years until marrying my Step Father who was more of a dad to me than my own father (although he is now in my life again after a 30 year absence.) Things were difficult for mom but she always did all she could without complaining. We knew we didn't have much but knew we were loved and had what we needed. She was and still is a rock even now at 80 years of age and dealing with health issues. I'll always be in awe of how she handled adversity and rose above it for the sake of her kids.