The Shaving Cadre

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I pre-date cheese sauce
First Responder
3973 MEMORIAL DAY 2019 3974

Chris, Chad and I would like to wish everyone out there a safe and pleasant Holiday.
Remember to give reverence and prayers to the memory of this soldiers and their families who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedoms.
Those of us that are Military Veterans, and especially those of us that saw combat, were in forward positions, and even P.O.W's, sometimes have a real hard time with this Holiday. We feel guilt for the fact that we have lost Brethren, and for some unknown reason, we made it home.

This, and ALL Memorial Days is for them not us.....Veteran's Day.

So on this Memorial day give attention where attention is due. To the hundreds of thousands of our fallen.

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Well stated Dave.

Whether you are enjoying a BBQ, relaxing on your day off, or even at Disney Land like I am. Remember the fallen! It's because of their sacrifice that we enjoy the freedom.
As one who has never served I am humbled by the sacrifice of those who paid the price for the freedom I greatly enjoy.


For those here who have or are serving, thanks. To those who gave it all... I wont forget.
I keep trying to write things, but they just won't come out right. So I am just going to say thank you to all service men and women for your sacrifices and your service. You will never be forgotten by me.
I keep trying to write things, but they just won't come out right. So I am just going to say thank you to all service men and women for your sacrifices and your service. You will never be forgotten by me.
What you just posted said more than you can imagine. Thank you
Well said. Thank you for your service, and as you stated, thanks go out to the fallen and their families for bearing the cost of freedom for all of us.
I think you said it best Dave! I can't really muster up the energy or courage to say any more. But like I said it best.
Well said, Dave. It's easy to take what we have for granted, and it's almost a shame that there is only one day a year to officially remind us of what so many gave up in order for us to have it.
Today Momma and I spent the day cleaning out the Garage. Lots of stuff needed to go. Among them my Dad’s Corcorans. I’ve kept them for decades. Made my first jump in them and wore them to my commission board. It broke my heart to let them go, but it had to be done. On the positive side, I found three of his class A blouses. The initial blues, a blue
Ike jacket and his Khaki blouse. Perhaps I’ll recreate his ribbon racks and hang his Ike with my green. (I figure that is the most unique blouse he sported. And took the wire out of his cap.