The Shaving Cadre

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Maggard’s Meet up in June.

Anyone planning to go to Maggard’s Meet-Up this June? I went last year and it was a good time. Lots of artisans.
I would love to go. And had plans to go this year. But it is the same weekend as a referee camp I have to attend.
I'm about a 4.5 hour drive away, so am seriously considering going with the wife. Just need to con the parents into watching the kids for a few days!
I'm about a 4.5 hour drive away, so am seriously considering going with the wife. Just need to con the parents into watching the kids for a few days!

@Ringer I know you have been a member her for a bit now...but officially...Welcome to the Cadre!

One of these days I will have to go to this. I have relatives in the Traverse City area (not that TC is really close to Maggards) and I really need to plan around this!
@Ringer I know you have been a member her for a bit now...but officially...Welcome to the Cadre!

One of these days I will have to go to this. I have relatives in the Traverse City area (not that TC is really close to Maggards) and I really need to plan around this!
Just flew into Traverse City about a month ago for work. Went up to Petoskey. Beautiful area! Wouldn't mind taking a visit there in the summer. Thank you for the welcome. Been lurking for a while, so figured I had to make a post and stop being a creeper.
Just flew into Traverse City about a month ago for work. Went up to Petoskey. Beautiful area! Wouldn't mind taking a visit there in the summer. Thank you for the welcome. Been lurking for a while, so figured I had to make a post and stop being a creeper.

My uncle has a cabin up near Traverse City (near Torch Lake actually). I used to spend summers there as a kid. I loved it. Very beautiful area.
My uncle has a cabin up near Traverse City (near Torch Lake actually). I used to spend summers there as a kid. I loved it. Very beautiful area.
Torch Lake is really beautiful! I haven't been to TC in probably five or six years...but the last time I was there it was nothing like when I was it kid. The place just got real uppity. 🤪
I won't be going. I would love to schedule one of my trips to Chicago or New York around the Maggards or Pasteurs meetups.

And welcome @Ringer, glad you came out of the shadows!
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go or not. I’m only a couple hours away from Maggards, and have made the trip out there, but my schedule can be a little unpredictable. Maybe I’ll schedule a mini vacation around it.
I’d love to visit Maggard’s but it’s very unlikely I’ll make it there anytime soon. I hear they have pretty amazing meetups.
I regietered for the meet up! Just need to book a hotel room for the night, which hopefully won't pose a problem. I'll be looking forward to see some of you gentlemen there.
I regietered for the meet up! Just need to book a hotel room for the night, which hopefully won't pose a problem. I'll be looking forward to see some of you gentlemen there.
As our kids would say, luuuuuuucky
I regietered for the meet up! Just need to book a hotel room for the night, which hopefully won't pose a problem. I'll be looking forward to see some of you gentlemen there.

Cool. I’ll see you there. We can have a beer if you’re inclined. I’ll be the one with the fresh clean shave.
Cool. I’ll see you there. We can have a beer if you’re inclined. I’ll be the one with the fresh clean shave.
LOL! That will make two of us! We'll exchange some contact information when we are closer to the date. A beer would be delightful.