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Low profile DE's....


Jr. Shave Member
Looking for a low profile DE for shaving just the slightest bit underneath my nose (I have a full beard and mustache). Don't really want to go the route of a SE or injector, as it just means more blade purchases, and I already have plenty of DE blades. My favorite/go-to razor is a Merkur 47C, it's served me well for over a dozen years. (And I bought two more as backup). But the mercer doesn't quite cut it when it comes to getting a close shave in that extremely small area.....probably 1/16" at most. Any suggestions would be appreciated. **I also have a few open combs, but they really don't do the job either (some vintage Gillette's, a Parker variant, etc)
I really like the Razorock Lupo for its ultra low profile and great shave. I use the 72, but people seem to like all the different gaps that they offer.
I don't think you're going to get much lower profile than a Gillette Old Type and after that a Gillette Tech. If you are opposed to vintage then the Feather AS-D2 is similar to the Tech. Another cheap modern, but maybe hard to find, is the Yuma. I love mine.