The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Long time listener, first time caller

Hey Bob! Welcome to the Cadre.

You know me as TheVez2
Hi fellas,

It’s great to see you. I’ve really simplified the den in recent years, steadily working through my soaps (10 years to go!), and unloading a lot of gear. It works, and the shaves are great. Currently using a puck of Harris Arlington that I got for Christmas and a six year old tube of Cade ASB. EJ DE89L with Med Prep Personnas do the work, and I rotate through my brushes on a monthly basis or so.
It's awesome to see another friendly face around here Bob! So happy to see you! Welcome to TSC!
Hi fellas,

It’s great to see you. I’ve really simplified the den in recent years, steadily working through my soaps (10 years to go!), and unloading a lot of gear. It works, and the shaves are great. Currently using a puck of Harris Arlington that I got for Christmas and a six year old tube of Cade ASB. EJ DE89L with Med Prep Personnas do the work, and I rotate through my brushes on a monthly basis or so.

Simple, solid, satisfying shaves! Excellent!
Simple, solid, satisfying shaves! Excellent!

It really comes down to just that, doesn't it? My biggest concern is that the soaps I have will all be mostly unscented by the time I get through them. I pretty much stick to the mainstream, corporate soap products, as I've never been a huge fan of the artisan stuff (St. Charles Shave and Mystic Water being the two exceptions for me), and it's not like those big makers to hit you in face with a big, bold scent.
Welcome, Bob! I like to keep things simple, too. It's all about the shaves, less about the stuff. Enjoy your shaves.