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Lets Talk Salads - how do you put one together ( pics optional )


I pre-date cheese sauce
First Responder
Well as summer sledgehammers it's way to Tucson and other parts of the world, a lighter fare on the food grade is usually appropriate. The Onus behind this post is that is will be 106 here today and after taking care of the Ducks and Chicken i was quite hungry for lunch, but nothing looked good or it appeared way to heavy... Wait a minute "Rabbit Food!"

We had some left over "Salad in a Bag" from some Enchilada Casserole and usually it sits and goes bad, so what the heck into the evil kitchen labs.. DUN DUN DAAAA.

So here are the ingredients ( literally grabbed as seen)

Half Bag of Salad in a bag
Snap Pea Crisps
Small bag of Doritos Spicy Nacho
Olives with pimento
Parmesan Cheese
Truffle Cheese
Lime Cilantro Salad Dressing.

Would this work? Who knew

Grabbed a Jethro sized bowl, dumped salad snap pea crisps, and mashed the bag of doritos and poured in. The Parmesan Cheese was already grated, and the truffle cheese I just thinly sliced, added the Olives, some pepper, as the olives provided the saltiness, and loaded the dressing and stirred.... YUM

Picture would have been posted here, but I ate it too fast, LOL

Quick, Easy and Light. Perfect for a hot day.

what kind of Salads do you fix on a whim?
what kind of Salads do you fix on a whim?

Usually something that has a lot of Beef, Chicken, and Pork. To lighten things up, I'll add in some bacon bits and boiled eggs. For texture, some pork rinds and cracklings. Top it off with some blue cheese dressing...and viola! Now that's a salad!
Nothing says yummy like Pork Rinds, Cracklins and Blue Cheese
Salads are my thing when eating out for the most part; if there’s a restaurant where I don’t have a favorite dish or a night I don’t feel anything particular will suit me. Usually the first salad I give the litmus rest to is anything close to a “Chinese” Chicken salad. If they don’t have something similar, I’ll go for a hearty looking wedge or cobb.

Salads were a staple back in my pizza delivery days. The chain I worked for sold salads, so I had tons of toppings to choose from. The salad I ate the most was usually iceberg, bacon, red onion, chicken, bell pepper, and some kind of ranch or ranch/BBQ sauce.

I still favor salads with iceberg over anything else. I love the taste and crunch.
Aren't salads those things that you get to tell you that the food is on it's way?
My salads stop at that half bag of premodern stuff then a drizzle of blue cheese dressing
This is my salad recipe:

Romaine Lettuce
Spring Mix
Sweet Onion
Kirkland 4 Cheese Mexican Blend
Boiled Egg (sometimes)
Ham and/or Chicken
Sliced Almonds
Bacon Bits
Fresh Ground Black Pepper
Kirkland No Salt Seasoning
Country Bob Seasoning Salt
Salad Dressing
Our normal is
Baby spinach
Bacon bits
Sunflower seeds
Colby Jack
And some sort of vinegarette.

We will routinely change it up though to suit what we have on hand. Or add something else that sounds good at the time.
All you guys have way too many veggies on your salads. Try an all meat and cheese dalad! ?
I enjoy a good, complex salad but I really don't have a "method". Oddly, sometime I like the cold, crisp salad that you get when visiting a diner. I don't tolerate regular Iceberg lettuce (my gut can't handle it) so I usually stick with Romaine or a mixed bag of weeds. If I were to build a dream salad it would need to include BACON! Oohh, spinach salad with hot bacon dressing...mmm.

Last night we had a salad made with a handful of weeds topped with bacon, grilled chicken, blue cheese crumble, some creamy italian type dressing and a couple croutons from a bag. It was good but was missing something.

Back when I was a kid my mom used to put sliced pickled watermelon rind on our salad, I liked that too.
Back when I was a kid my mom used to put sliced pickled watermelon rind on our salad, I liked that too.
If you're talking about the sweet stuff, my grandma use to make that. Wow, that's a flash from the past. Good snackin' that stuff was.
Half a bag of premade salad mix, sliced green onions, chopped bell pepper, quartered and chunked cucumber, sunflower seeds, bacon bits, crushed cruton bits, mix of colby and cheddar cheese, cast iron seared chicken breast, and crappy kitchen lighting....

If you're talking about the sweet stuff, my grandma use to make that. Wow, that's a flash from the past. Good snackin' that stuff was.
indeed I am. That stuff was tasty on sandwiches too. I wish I could make my own, it’s hard to find and is a little expensive.
‘My mom would take a small piece and wrap it with bacon and bake it...oh my GOD!
These salads look and sound yummy.

I usually do basic greens with some cuke and tomatoes, topped with some low sodium turkey breast (am diabetic).

For those who use bagged salads, try getting some Debbie Meyer green boxes, especially the large round ones. I used to throw bags of salad out after a few days. In the green boxes, they keep crisp up to 2 weeks. Celery keeps in the rectangle boxes over 3 weeks! You can usually find some on sale at HSN.
