The Shaving Cadre

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Let's talk internet


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
So like all of you I have the internet. And I hate PAYING for the internet. But lately the speeds at my house with Centurylink have gotten abysmal! I am paying for 20meg down and 5meg up. I am getting nowhere near that. Well got a new bill in the mail and they DOUBLED the price. My price before was pretty darn good but the thought of paying more for a service that I have had for 9 years that has been getting progressively worse over the last 6 months I decided to call it quits.

Back in March the city came through and installed fiber optics in our neighborhood. Well I picked my ISP and in about a week they will come and run a private line into my house. I am going to have 1 gig down and 1 gig up! For roughly $50 a month! After the first year it does go to $65, but that's not a big deal.

I am hoping that with speeds like this I can also get rid of our satellite and have reliable enough speeds to look into something like Sling TV.

What are you guys using and how are your speeds? Anyone else on fiber yet in their area?
If you get what is advertised and for what you say you will pay...hold on and don't ever let go! That is incredible!

My only question would be do the put a data cap on things and when you hit they throttle?

I was doing streaming service only for a while (by the way..PS VUE is awesome!) on 50 Mbps download. Then they started capping and throttling and increasing prices. We did research and basically it was the same price to go with cable and internet with 300 up and 50 down. I get just about every station I could ever want...even the PAC 12 channel Chad. Including all the premium stations...HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz..and others. But we pay for it. There is an ISP in the area that runs fiber...but I live just outside it.

Glad you are able to get that great of service!
Where i live the only ISP's are satellite services. You really dont want to know what unlimited data costs me for 24meg down and 10 up. lets just say it is 3 digits and starts with 1
As i understand it the biggest drawback to fiber optic internet services is that the lines themselves have limits and as the neighborhood switches to fiber the potential for slow downs at peak times is increased. We had fiber several years ago and got lucky because we were at a terminal end with no real users, our speed was well above what we paid for. Eventually they tied everything together and more people got onboard and my speeds dropped to what i was paying for. NOW I am on cable...the same problems exist here only they are exacerbated by internal wiring issues. Bottom line is, ANYTHING is better than what you had Chad. Talking to you on the phone was pathetic, I can't imagine how bad your internet experience must be.
Well the nice thing the way our city is doing it is each house gets there own DEDICATED line, so that means no peak time throttling. Then we get to pick which ISP we want to use. There are ten currently. I picked one that 3 of my neighbors have been using for 6 months. They are actually getting faster than advertised speeds. They will be digging up my yard to run the private line from the street to the house in the next week or so. And then on the 24th they will run the line into the house and I will have high speed internet.

So far on our neighborhood facebook page those that have switched have been very happy with the service. The pricing almost seems too good to be true but I have looked at my neighbor's bill. I am literally signing for exactly what he is signed up for. After taxes he is paying $55.93 a month. I am excited to get signed up and I wish it was happening sooner!
Every few months I check again to see if gigabit is available where we live. Nope. Not like we're sandwiched between Apple, Google, Amazon, and Cisco or anything.
When I moved to my new house, out in the country, I discovered there were almost no internet options. The internet provider that the previous owner used, was the only wired internet service, and they informed me that they were maxed out in bandwidth and couldn’t take new customers. (Despite just losing a customer, I couldn’t take their slot, the allocation just vanished).
There was a point to point service, but even putting a 20ft pole receiver on my roof, they couldn’t reach their force.

My Lâst saving grace was AT&T, rural internet. They gave me a router that uses the AT&T cellular network to provide me internet. It’s $65 a month, and I’m getting around 25-35M down and 2.5M up. But I really only use this for my streaming services, and for the kids to use when they come over.

I use my phone for everything else, don’t have a computer at home. I have Verizon, with unlimited data. I get 23-32M down and 1.5-2.5M up in my kitchen. But I can walk outside and get 50M down and 5-10M up.
If I want Internet at the house, I have one option. Comcast. We are just using our phones for now.