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Let me borrow a DEvette?


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
Anyone have a DE shavette that you’re willing to let me try out?
I’ve got a few.... I’ll have to dig around to see what I actually have. Anything in particular you’re looking for?
I’m curious, is a de shavette as difficult to use as an ac shavette?
Maybe a little bit. The blade is a lot thinner. The one I had had a lot more blade exposure so it was really loud, and fas pretty fussy about getting the right angle. If you can shave good with a half blade shavette, you can use pretty much any other straight.
In my experience...which isn't all that much...a barber straight (DE Shavette) is much harder to use than an AC style straight. Prepare for a blood bath! I think there is a video somewhere around here of my slicing and dicing my face on one of those.
I’ve got a few.... I’ll have to dig around to see what I actually have. Anything in particular you’re looking for?
Off and on I think about buying one of those the head shops in half to insert a DE. Mostly because they cool. But then I think of Don and I don’t. So thought maybe I could take one for a spin.
Off and on I think about buying one of those the head shops in half to insert a DE. Mostly because they cool. But then I think of Don and I don’t. So thought maybe I could take one for a spin.
So what you are saying is that I am good for something! 🤪
And yes, what you are asking for is a DE Shavette, or more specifically a half-DE shavette. The DEvette, you used already which is the DE without the base plate.