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Latest Chinese clone of a Feather AC razor

After just getting through the last pass around of two Chinese clones of Feather AC straight razors, one being a Feather SS clone with some QC issues, and one being a Kai Captain clone, which was slightly better but will never be mistaken for a real one, we now have the latest clone straight from China. It is a copy of the latest CJB clone of the latest Kai Captain razor! Huh? :confused:

Okay, backtrack a little. the latest version of the Kai Captain series has dimples along the side of the blade. For those that are not culinary artists or Japanese housewives, dimples along the side of knives is not something new. The purpose is so that whatever yo are cutting does not stick to the knife blade while cutting. Of course the other purpose is to add on another $10 to a cheap knife.

So this is the latest Kai Captain model:

And this is my Chinese copy of a the latest CJB clone of the Kai Captain:


Sorry I don't have any pics of the latest CJB clone only because finding one is hard to do right now. I seen one in the catalog and it looks the same as the Chinese copy.

The razor came with a Feather AC type blade loaded and so I will start with that blade for tonight's shave. If I have my ears and nose still attached to my face after the shave, I will do a shave report later. I might even get ambitious enough to try a shave off with my original Kai Captain clone at another time, to see if the dimples really work as they should.
Well today is Christmas for most and so I decided to forgo the test run of my dimpled Kai clone and just go straight to the comparison between the original Kai clone and the latest dimpled version. First of all, I left the original factory shipped mystery blade in the dimpled clone and shaved the left side of my face with it. To my surprise, the blade was actually good. I feared that it would be of the quality of the POS box of blades I included in he pass around, but found it actually to be the quality of a Dorco or Feathr Pro. WTG pass on the left side of my face was a breeze and I could have stopped there. The dimples actually made the blade area thinner and so it was closer to shaving with a Feather DX razor. I shaved the right side of my face with the original Kai clone, which I had more experience with and had a known blade in it, and the shave was more maneuverable and easier, but not as efficient with the first pass.

ATG was where the dimpled clone really showed it's advantage. It just glided through the area under my chin where there was a lot of loose skin. The dimples worked like the Japanese kitchen knife where my skin and the lather did not hinder the blade. The original clone did drag a little and I had to stretch my skin more and had to be careful with dry touch ups.

This really was not much of a shave off as much as it was a total rout. The new dimpled version won handily in all areas except for the price, however you must remember that I paid about $7 for my original Kai clone and $17 for the latest dimpled version. Personally a $17 razor that can challenge a $150 Feather DX or the original dimpled Kai is a great deal.
I was going to make fun of the dimples version, glad I didn’t! Sounds good!
I’ve been wanting to give something like this a try for a while. At $17 I think I might have to pick one up and give it a go.
I’ve been wanting to give something like this a try for a while. At $17 I think I might have to pick one up and give it a go.
FYI -This is a link to the one I got which is a Kamisori type: US $15.99 |1 X Professional Artist Club Straight Razor Black New-in Razor from Beauty & Health on AliExpress

Last night I also found a folding version here: US $13.79 40% OFF|CestoMen Facial Hair Cutting Barber Razor Shaving Blade Holder Classic ABS Plastic Handle Stainless Straight Razor Holder on AliExpress

The folding version is cheaper, but some of the pics show what might be QC problems with the side of the blade that comes off for cleaning. Not as bad as the one that @The Monkey had, but not as tight as mine. Then again, assuming it comes from the same place, it might just be a bad pic. Main thing is if you prefer a folder or a kamisori type straight. OR for less than $40, you can try both.
Thank you for the link!

I’ve got the Kamisori in my cart. Just have to justify it to my wife, especially after all the Christmas Shopping. Lol
Never ordered from Ali... What do people think?
FYI -This is a link to the one I got which is a Kamisori type: US $15.99 |1 X Professional Artist Club Straight Razor Black New-in Razor from Beauty & Health on AliExpress

Last night I also found a folding version here: US $13.79 40% OFF|CestoMen Facial Hair Cutting Barber Razor Shaving Blade Holder Classic ABS Plastic Handle Stainless Straight Razor Holder on AliExpress

The folding version is cheaper, but some of the pics show what might be QC problems with the side of the blade that comes off for cleaning. Not as bad as the one that @The Monkey had, but not as tight as mine. Then again, assuming it comes from the same place, it might just be a bad pic. Main thing is if you prefer a folder or a kamisori type straight. OR for less than $40, you can try both.
thanks for sharing this info.
I'm really enjoying my Irving Barber Company razor at the moment, but with all the talk about the Feathers, I've been getting more curious. However, the cost seems absolutely Outrageous; so I'll probably visit the site on November 11th and grab one.
thanks for sharing this info.
I'm really enjoying my Irving Barber Company razor at the moment, but with all the talk about the Feathers, I've been getting more curious. However, the cost seems absolutely Outrageous; so I'll probably visit the site on November 11th and grab one.
A lot has changed in nearly a year. If time is money, CBL brought in a bunch based on my recommendation and have the folding version on their site right now:

They list the three colors separately and so if one color is out, look up the other colors. Of course you will be paying 50% more than aliexpress, but you won't have to wait for 10 days to get a $2 discount and the razor will arrive in a week instead of two months. BTW - you are aware that the IBC takes Feather blades, right?
A lot has changed in nearly a year. If time is money, CBL brought in a bunch based on my recommendation and have the folding version on their site right now:

They list the three colors separately and so if one color is out, look up the other colors. Of course you will be paying 50% more than aliexpress, but you won't have to wait for 10 days to get a $2 discount and the razor will arrive in a week instead of two months. BTW - you are aware that the IBC takes Feather blades, right?
I was just looking at those the other day,, as well as the RAZORLINE one. I may give it a shot.
As for feather blades in the IBC....yes, those are the blades that I primarily use. Sometimes I switch to the Schick proline, but prefer the slightly wider blade exposure of the feathers.