The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Lache pas la patate


Shave Member
Artisan Retailer
Well Gents, another first for me. I have never done a shave journal. I figured why not, it’ll help me get to know everyone and you know me.

My Journal tittle, (Losh pa la pa tot), Translated “Don’t let go of the potato”. Basically don’t give up, don’t back down, never quit, (a testament to the enduring spirit of the Cajun people).

I came to wet shaving 3 years ago as a knife enthusiast and jumped right into straight razors. The soaps, splashes, brushes and all that other jazz was never a thing to me. I like to rub steel on rocks and make things really sharp. I grew up in rural Southwest Louisiana in a rice, cattle and crawfish farming family. My biggest influence on my life was my mothers father. A simple man that spoke very little English, that did absolutely everything himself. I was the oldest grandson and I was at his hip 24/7. We hunted, we process all our own game and livestock and there was nothing more important than a sharp knife. He taught me how to hone a blade on natural Arkansas stones as a pup and that stuck with me. I cant count my scars from playing with my knives as a kid, it was a total obsession. As a young man I got into knife making, and I was that guy who kept everyone's knifes in shape. Fast forward to my late 40s and after about 15 years of not having time for hobbies. I found wet shaving and straight razors, I was hooked. Here we are now, I have since got bit by the equipment bug and broadened my hard and software collections. I am still not a huge collector of stuff other than razors and stones. One of my hobbies was making tallow based shave soap, I have given a ton away over the last few years. Recently I started making my soap available for purchase, but I wont go into any of that here on my journal.

I plan to document my shaves, restore projects, stones, and honing here on my journal. I think it will be fun to look back.

Well here we go!
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Well Gents, another first for me. I have never done a shave journal. I figured why not, it’ll help me get to know everyone and you know me.

My Journal tittle, (Losh pa la pa tot), Translated “Don’t let go of the potato”. Basically don’t give up, don’t back down, never quit, (a testament to the enduring spirit of the Cajun people).

I came to wet shaving 3 years ago as a knife enthusiast and jumped right into straight razors. The soaps, splashes, brushes and all that other jazz was never a thing to me. I like to rub steel on rocks and make things really sharp. I grew up in rural Southwest Louisiana in a rice, cattle and crawfish farming family. My biggest influence on my life was my mothers father. A simple man that spoke very little English, that did absolutely everything himself. I was the oldest grandson and I was at his hip 24/7. We hunted, we process all our own game and livestock and there was nothing more important than a sharp knife. He taught me how to hone a blade on natural Arkansas stones as a pup and that stuck with me. I cant count my scars from playing with my knives as a kid, it was a total obsession. As a young man I got into knife making, and I was that guy who kept everyone's knifes in shape. Fast forward to my late 40s and after about 15 years of not having time for hobbies. I found wet shaving and straight razors, I was hooked. Here we are now, I have since got bit by the equipment bug and broadened my hard and software collections. I am still not a huge collector of stuff other than razors and stones. One of my hobbies was making tallow based shave soap, I have given a ton away over the last few years. Recently I started making my soap available for purchase, but I wont go into any of that here on my journal.

I plan to document my shaves, restore projects, stones, and honing here on my journal. I think it will be fun to look back.

Well here we go!
Good to see you here, Eric. On @barberdave’s recommendation, I bought a couple of tubs of your Savon Nu unscented shave soap. I love it and use it daily. I’ll be back for more after the holidays. Enjoy your time here. 👍
Working away for the holidays sucks, but at least we are busy. It’s been a couple days but was able to knock a shave out tonight. I just picked up this Geneva, tonight was its first use. Bevel set on G7 - 6.7 (2.5k) then G7 - 3.0 (5k) and finished it out on my travel Maruka Karasu travel Jnat. The shave was nice. I have had a bunch if these Kopas, this one was my keeper. It’s got range with just DMT slurry and will produce a keen and buttery edge.

Merry Christmas Gents

Razor - 6/8 Geneva
Lather - Foret De Pins
Brush - Boti 30mm Boar 🐗
Splash - Epsilon Blue (travel bottle)
I am a simple man that enjoys simple pleasures.
Tonight was one of them nights I needed to de stress. Still at work, away for the Holidays, I needed some of my old favorites. I am an unapologetic tallow soap fan, my very first favorite was Arko. I love musk, and the cheap strong stank of AV musk has always been right up my alley. To round out my old favorites, the Travel straight of choice tonight was a 6/8 Zartina. The razor is on its second shave of a fresh full Coti dilucot. My 30mm finest badger did the dirty work. Outstanding shave, thank you sir may I have another.

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I am a simple man that enjoys simple pleasures.
Tonight was one of them nights I needed to de stress. Still at work, away for the Holidays, I needed some of my old favorites. I am an unapologetic tallow soap fan, my very first favorite was Arko. I love musk, and the cheap strong stank of AV musk has always been right up my alley. To round out my old favorites, the Travel straight of choice tonight was a 6/8 Zartina. The razor is on its second shave of a fresh full Coti dilucot. My 30mm finest badger did the dirty work. Outstanding shave, thank you sir may I have another.

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Love the Arko and AV Musk. Stay away from women if you have work to do. 😁
I needed some honing stress relief. Tonight I reset this 6/8“ nutin special Solingen travel razor on my vintage LV Coti. A very enjoyable hone, and the shave was delicious. Bourbon Cowboy has moved into my favorite spot of my soaps. This one I may keep around.

Please pray for the victims of the New Orleans attack and their families.


Starting to get restless, I been on this ship for 18 days and my mind is on heading home, 3 days left. I could not sleep last night and 6/8 CW Schuffig was out of my roll up and within reach so it got the call for some entertainment. I mostly prefer natural stones but enjoy my G7 travel set. IMO they provide my favorite synthetic edge.

The progression was 2.5k, 6k, 11k, 16k, then 40 on fire hose, 40 on rough horse, 60 on buffalo.

If any of you have not used any of the shapton glass series stones, they are impressive. The 2.5k is as fast as any bevel setter I have used. This includes my 1K Chosera or 1.5k Shapton Pro. The striations it leaves are impressively fine. Easy HHT3 off of a bevel setter on just a hand stropping is impressive as hell. My next full size set will be the Shapton Rockstar series.
Starting to get restless, I been on this ship for 18 days and my mind is on heading home, 3 days left.
I remember the restlessness the last couple days of being underway, and how they seem to drag by. Glad your almost done and back on solid ground.
Navy? Marine? Coast Guard? I was in the Navy many years ago, onboard the carrier Coral Sea (CV-43). As you can tell by the hull number, it was quite some time ago. 🫡
Got home Thursday, enjoyed the day with wife, kids and the grands. I opened all the awaiting packages, got some killer soaps from CBL, and a surprise in a lot of razors I purchased for restoration. This one cleaned up nice and I hit the the stones with it yesterday. The shave was deliciously keen and so comfortable. Noting like finishing on a LPB Coti on oil.

CBL Renaissance was outstanding.
This 15/16 Japanese Razor was restored by
Yea’Old Striaght and Strop Shop on eBay.

The surprise nice Solingen, almost 7/8”