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Lab Cat Fitness


Doften Savant
My company Lab Coat Fitness has found a new niche to branch out into during these trying times, since I know many of you are pet owners, I thought it might be ok to post this here.


As you all know the world is under viral threat, but have you thought that this threat extends well beyond the realm of man and into that of our beloved pets?

LCF has thought about it, and are excited to announce the rushed development of our latest project, Lab Cat Fitness.

That’s right, now your shut in cat will have the opportunity to train right alongside you in the privacy of your own home.

As usual with LCF, we have devised a strict training regimen after consulting the literature, watching hours of Tiger King, and checking our local vet's facebook page.

Here are some of the amazing feats your cat can be expected to learn -

Meow Hold
Planche to Cat Box
Claw Hang
Purrfect Pushup

and many more....

Test cat after 6 weeks of Lab Cat Fitness

Sadly there were failures along the way

We hope you and your beloved cats are as excited about LCF as we are!
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