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Kinzua Bridge


Possibly Ironman
Had to make a 5 hour round trip to a Dr.s appointment yesterday for the boss. On the way home we decided to stop at the Kinzua Bridge. It is a state park about a half hour from where we live, but neither of us had been there in quite some time.

The bridge was a railway bridge built the first time out of wrought iron in 1882. At the time it was built, it was over twice the size of the largest similar structure of the time and held the record of the tallest railroad bridge for two years. It was re-built in 1900 out of steel to accommodate the heavier engines safely. It was sold to the state and became a park in 1963.

In 2003 a tornado went through the valley and took out a vary large section of the bridge. Before the tornado hit, it was 301 feet tall at the center, and 2054 feet long across the valley. Up until that point, it was still the fourth tallest railway bridge in the United States.

I can remember when I was younger walking across the bridge, then down the trail across the valley to get back.
They have done some re-enforcing work to the remains to allow foot traffic and added a nice visitor center a few years ago. This was the first time I'd been out there since this was added.

I have seen that thing on Discovery channel before on an engineering disaster/marvel type show. Really neat !
Shawn, just came across these great photos. Been in PA nearly 40 years and I've never been there. Got to fix that. Looks like a bike trail down there. I'll definitely be checking out that possibility. Thanks for sharing these.
Shawn, just came across these great photos. Been in PA nearly 40 years and I've never been there. Got to fix that. Looks like a bike trail down there. I'll definitely be checking out that possibility. Thanks for sharing these.

There is a walking trail across the valley, but I have no clue if you could bike it or not. If you come up to see it, let me know. I only live a half hour from it.
There is a walking trail across the valley, but I have no clue if you could bike it or not. If you come up to see it, let me know. I only live a half hour from it.

I won't have time this summer, but it's on my to-do list for 2020. I'll let you know.