Gus, how is the Karve aging? Are you letting the patina build up or buffing it?
Actually looking pretty good there my friend. But, I did a slight clean & polish to the top cap with some Brasso to remove a couple of tiny water spots. But, the base plates and handles are forming a gorgeous patina.....
A quick review/first take on the OC plates that came in about a week ago. First up, Sir F...
Finally got to try out the Karve with the new OC plate offerings. Went full on in with the F plate as I had ordered 3 base plates in B, D & F. Fit and finish is as expected, just excellent with superb precision and tolerances. The shave was on par with the quality of the product. Plain and simply, superb. Excellent blade feel while still retaining an unexpected smoothness that was very good on the skin. Don’t get me wrong, the blade feel is there such as if you got a bit careless, it will bite. I know, I got careless around the throat area and Sir Adam and I gave myself a nic. But, that was totally on me as I did not skin stretch enough and turned simultaneously while performing some touch ups in that area. Nothing to do with the razor itself as the performance was flawless. The F is not as aggressive as I thought it would be but, that’s not a bad thing. It gives you a bit more blade feel than the F SB plate yet retains that SB smoothness. I would put it at the level of the R41 post 2011 with a softer and easier skin feel, if that makes sense.
In the end it was a great shave. And honestly, I got exactly what I wanted. I wasn’t looking for a ferocious feeling whisker whacker as I have quite a few of those in my stable. But, rather an efficient yet smooth whisker reducing tool that takes care of business with as little fuss as possible. With the Karve F plate, mission accomplished.....
I’ll be running the Karve OC plates for the rest of the month of March as I’m in a Fixed Four event on another forum. Good timing to get to know this razor with its open comb plate offerings. Will post from time to time with all 3 plate findings and experiences.
Happy shaves all.....