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Kai Titan Mild w/guard in Vector


Shave Newbie
So I loaded up my new Vector with a Kai Captain guard blade for its debut shave, and am not sure I care for the blade. It seemed to pull a lot. I had about 2.5 days growth. Went through my normal routine. As soon as I stared my first stroke it was pulling. I finished a 2 pass shave without and nicks or irritation, and the razor is awesome. Has anyone else experienced an issue like this? I read so many great reviews about Kai blades. This was one of the blades I ordered from tryablade. Maybe a stupid question, but do guard blades have a tendency to pull? The feather pro guard in my Occam’s has a slight pull feeling, but nothing like today. I love the Vector head. The handle is great too, but gets slippery. Looking forward to my next shave with it. I do have a few other blade choices. Looking forward to everyone’s thoughts and opinions. Thanks guys

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Never tried the Kai. My favorite that I found is the Schick Prolines. You should try them for sure. The Vector was made for them in my book.
Never tried the Kai. My favorite that I found is the Schick Prolines. You should try them for sure. The Vector was made for them in my book.

I did get 2 Prolines with my order. They will be the next blade. I have also been reading lots of great reviews on them. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I have not used any “guard” blade in any of my SE however, I do not own a Vector. The first “guard” blade I have used has been the Feather Pro Guard in my newly acquired Feather SS Kamisori. I will echo that of all the AC Blades I have tried in the SE razors I have the Schick Proline is the best. Smooth and sharp.
I have not used any “guard” blade in any of my SE however, I do not own a Vector. The first “guard” blade I have used has been the Feather Pro Guard in my newly acquired Feather SS Kamisori. I will echo that of all the AC Blades I have tried in the SE razors I have the Schick Proline is the best. Smooth and sharp.
"SuperModel" Approved 😜
Feather Pros for the Vector here. The first shave or two let the hyper sharpness calm down, but I got a month of comfortable shaves out of one once.
Well tonight I swapped out the Kai for a Proline, and low and behold no pulling- also no nicks or irritation. Much more comfortable shave today. I also used a slightly heavier handle which also provided better grip. I’ll continue to try other non guarded blades until I find the best combination for the razor and my face.

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