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Junk Mail

August West

TSC Yoda
I despise junk mail. So much so, I embarked upon a quest, ten years past, to eliminate the menace. And I have had great success. I am so passionate about it I would like to share with the Cadre my hard earned knowledge with practical steps and links to help you eliminate yours. The steps can seem daunting, so instead of composing a thread listing all my discoveries, I will trickle them out to make the experience more manageable. If you have specific questions, fire away.

This is a great point of departure and will eliminate a lions share after ninety days. Tune in, there is more to come. Thanks for indulging me.
The one that frustrates me is after you refinance a house you get a thousand letters open immediately! And it's 3rd party selling mortgage insurance. If I can stop those I'd be a happy man
Was just telling my wife I feel they should stop daily mail service to every house. We all know that “last mile” is the most expensive in the delivery chain. 99% of things that can fit in my mailbox could be electronic. Charge them what it actually costs to get it delivered. People would will have that option, but instead of 25 trips to my house every month, they might make 2-3. Yes it would likely then cost $6 to send a letter, but you still could and it should have the real cost associated with it. So it some company wants to pay $6 to let me know about their window replacement so be it. But then USPS wouldn’t be losing money on the deal.
Was just telling my wife I feel they should stop daily mail service to every house. We all know that “last mile” is the most expensive in the delivery chain. 99% of things that can fit in my mailbox could be electronic. Charge them what it actually costs to get it delivered. People would will have that option, but instead of 25 trips to my house every month, they might make 2-3. Yes it would likely then cost $6 to send a letter, but you still could and it should have the real cost associated with it. So it some company wants to pay $6 to let me know about their window replacement so be it. But then USPS wouldn’t be losing money on the deal.
If you sign up for Informed Delivery, some of your junk mail will come electronically.
The one that frustrates me is after you refinance a house you get a thousand letters open immediately! And it's 3rd party selling mortgage insurance. If I can stop those I'd be a happy man
If you take the time and execute my suggestions they will stop. But it takes time. In a year I stopped all junk mail except political mailings. The individual, by law, has no right to protect their name on the voting rolls being issued to politicians.
This is a great tool that allows you to opt out of your junk mail on a case by case basis. They do the work for you as a third party advocate. Some places don’t allow for third party advocacy, but they offer you a go around with direct contact info.
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