The Shaving Cadre

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I Blame Dave
How hot is it? It's so HOT I am being braised in my OWN fat, that's how hot it is. Seriously, I am DYING. The temps have been running just above 100 (sometimes nearing 110) but the killer is the humidity. And I blame all you who can't handle the cold! That's right, Y'all prayed for it to be warm when the temps were dropping and this is how God answers your prayers. Thanks. Why? Why does it need to be SO HOT? My chickens and ducks are laying hard cooked eggs...that's not normal.

Just look at them...they are HOT too.

I am drinking more than a gallon of water every night just to keep from dehydrating and dying while I sleep. I can't sit in my chair or lay on my bed without feeling like i am wrapped in a heat blanket. I swear I came close to spontaneously igniting Wednesday night, I think I was one millionth of a degree from jts bursting into flames. I have a pair of corduroy shorts (vintage of course) and I can't even THINK of wearing them around the house...swish, swish POOF into flames.

Have you ever seen a hot Crow? I have and it aint pretty. They stand there with their wings and feathers all puffed out, beak open their crow tongue hanging out ...and their eyes, they stare at you without blinking. You can just SEE what they are thinking; "I'm hot...I hate you, I hate everyone...Caw!" If you didn't see one fall of the telephone pole every so often you'd think some sick freak went around putting cheap halloween decorations all over the place.

Last night i tried to climb into the freezer, that's how desperate I am. I literally had two racks removed and my head in before my wife pulled me out. The sweat on my forehead froze to a popsicle so i looked like a deformed unicorn when I turned around.

You know what you should never do when your house is already 82 degrees? BREATH, just breathing makes the house even hotter. When your wife laughs at the popsicle frozen to your face it increases the temp at least a thousand degrees.

I'm SOOO Hot!

*disclaimer, that photo of scantily clad chickens lounging in the pool isn't really mine. ...could be Dave's, but its not mine.
It is definitely hotter than normal this year here also. Thankfully the AC has been keeping up at the house. We are a comfortable 76 during the day, and I let it go down to 72 at night. I am paying for it though due to the electric bill. could be a few degrees warmer...
Crazy man.
I thought you were going to say I was so hot because of all the candles on your birthday cake, old man!

Happy Birthday Bud!
I have a pair of corduroy shorts (vintage of course) and I can't even THINK of wearing them around the house...swish, swish POOF into flames.
Hate to break it to you, but the heat isn't the only reason those would be inappropriate to wear.

I hope he doesn't find out he could be sleeping soundly for the cost of a window AC unit....
It’s so hot my pond is drying up. It’s a super tiny pond to begin with. But these tires, which are in the deepest point, should be 2-3ft underwater.

And all of this should be underwater.
Hate to break it to you, but the heat isn't the only reason those would be inappropriate to wear.

I hope he doesn't find out he could be sleeping soundly for the cost of a window AC unit....
I actually have central air AND a portable unit. The central air is pathetic and fails to do much more than remove humidity. The portable unit is a PITA to use. One of the reasons my AC is very ineffective (aside from it being too small) is that my wife likes to turn it off and on rather than just letting it cool things down and leaving it there.

It’s so hot my pond is drying up. It’s a super tiny pond to begin with. But these tires, which are in the deepest point, should be 2-3ft underwater.

And all of this should be underwater.
Oh no! is that the pond that had all the fish? I'm sure when the rain returns that pond will fill up.
Haha good read.

Yes, the heat has definitely felt a step up from the last few years. Central CA has even had some humidity too. Quite unpleasant.
Oh no! is that the pond that had all the fish? I'm sure when the rain returns that pond will fill up.
Yes, but so far, I’m not seeing dead fish. One good rain that lasts overnight is all it’ll take. The little rain we have been getting only lasts 10-20 minutes, so it’s just a tease.