The Shaving Cadre

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It's JWS VII's Birthday!


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
Stop the presses! We have another cadre Birthday! I love this guy because he posts things like grilling pies! Yeah...he's a dude! Join with me in wishing John @JWS VII a very happy birthday!

Happy Birthday.gifGnome Dancing.gif
Happy Birthday.gif
Happy birthday John!

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He’s just over two weeks old. Decided to come about three weeks early! No complications and everyone is doing well 👍🏻👍🏻
Great news! My wife is about halfway. (21 weeks) Due date is October 23rd but it's likely the doc will want to go a couple weeks early. He's a good looking kid! So I know he doesn't take after you! 🤪 Congratulations again!
Great news! My wife is about halfway. (21 weeks) Due date is October 23rd but it's likely the doc will want to go a couple weeks early. He's a good looking kid! So I know he doesn't take after you! 🤪 Congratulations again!
You could always shoot for October 9th. That's a great day. 😜