The Shaving Cadre

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It's Farmer Tan's Birthday!


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
I just want to wish @FarmerTan A very Happy Birthday! And I hope in these strange times he and his family are doing well. Join with me in celebrating one of TSC's members! Happy Birthday Mr. Tan of Farmers!

I just want to wish @FarmerTan A very Happy Birthday! And I hope in these strange times he and his family are doing well. Join with me in celebrating one of TSC's members! Happy Birthday Mr. Tan of Farmers!

Hey Fancy birthday Animation per person buddy I might have wanted to use one of those (if I even knew how to find them).

Happy Birthday @FarmerTan
Happy Birthday @FarmerTan , Hope it's a great one!

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I OBVIOUSLY don't come over here enough! Thanks my friends! I had a nice day. I even hand fed a little bird, a wren I think, that I think God sent to me as a present. Is it okay if I post the phone video my wife took of it? We went through the drive through of Culver's, found some shade, rolled the windows down and I fed him a French fry, then I gave him a piece of cone! Never experienced anything like that. We raise chickens, and I had pet parakeets as a kid, but the wild bird was a new one to me! Someone let me know if I can post it, please!