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It's a conspiracy!


Doften Savant
Over the last two days my feed is full of ridiculous conspiracy theories on COVID-19.

and this gem

Warning... URGENT!!! The Chinese all received the mandatory vaccinations last fall. These vaccines contained the digital controlled replicant RNA... which had been activated by 60 Ghz mm 5 G waves - in Wuhan - as well as in all other countries that used 60 Ghz 5 G... with the "smart dust" that everyone on earth has inhaled through of. That's why when they say someone " healed ", the " virus " can be... at any time... reactivated " digitally "!... and the person can literally fall. The Diamond Princess Cruise Ship was equipped with 60 Ghz 5 G. This is about remote assassination. Americans are currently breathing this "smart" dust through of. Think about it!.... add the combination of vaccines, chemtrails (smart powder) and 5 G, and your body becomes digital in-house and can be remotely controlled. A person's organic functions can be interrupted remotely if they are considered "non-compliance". Wuhan tested ID2020. The elite call this 60 Ghz 5 G wave "V" (Virus)... to laugh at us. We must categorically reject the attempt to "obligatory vaccination", our life depends on it. Sian Jones-Mayer

I didn't want to clutter the real COVD-19 thread up with this, so this can be a place to express your off topic thoughts or outlandish stuff you're seeing out there.
Over the last two days my feed is full of ridiculous conspiracy theories on COVID-19.

and this gem

I didn't want to clutter the real COVD-19 thread up with this, so this can be a place to express your off topic thoughts or outlandish stuff you're seeing out there.
Hey...I ain't going to say it can't happen that way...;)
I recall something about a bunch of Walmart’s that suddenly got shutdown last year or the year before because of “sewage backups”. Walmart just walked away from the locations and built new stores somewhere down the road while “plumbers” in black vans worked in secret on the old locations. That much was pretty much fact but the conspiracy theory had it that those sites (all over the nation) happened to match up with what was supposed to be key locations for the government to use as staging and distribution in order to impose mass martial law on Americans all at once. ...maybe it was before or around the time of the Trump election... I keep waiting for those sewage spill sites toCome to life as the government springs into action imposing martial law in the name of public health. Unless of course half of us are supposed to die first THEN the secret society emerges to regain control.