The Shaving Cadre

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Is there a problem within TSC?


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
I guess I'm left a little confused by the latest posting by the owners. Unless there has been a lot of deleting of threads, I haven't seen anything get out of line or too far out of line within the Cadre. There have been moments of someone pulling the conversation back and showing that self moderating is actually working. Seeing a post about threads that will not be opened and deleted if they are seem directly against the spirit I thought we were living by.

Again, if a lot of intervention has happened behind the scenes then I guess I'm surprised and these posts are warranted. Short of that it feels like being chastised prior to there even being an issue.
I don't think so, Dave. I read both posts, and from my perspective as a former moderator elsewhere, I took both messages to be their means of getting out in front of issues before they happen. This site is remarkably civil and collegial without any hands on moderation that I can see, but the times we are in are enormously stressful. The temptation to vent is great (heck I've done it myself a few times), and the risk with venting posts is that someone else who is also stressed could take it the wrong way and the next thing you know, noses are being thumbed. No one needed riots and looting on top of the pandemic, and though I am looking forward to the election in 5 months, I am positively dreading the election season.

I appreciate that they have established expectations now, rather than try and put a genie back in the bottle later.
Bob is 100% correct. The TSC is a "1st of it's kind forum, and we are being pro-active to just remind everyone of our safe and welcoming nature. To provide an "Oasis", and to prevent any future concerns as we grow into 2021 and beyond.
I have found the two posts in question and am thankful for them. TBH, I've been avoiding TSC since Memorial Day because of my own raw feelings and my fear of coming across something that will piss me off (whether intentional or not). I'm glad to hear that the owners are being pro-active in this manner and will feel more at ease.