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Introducing Ascender Razors -ETA March of 2025


Jr. Shave Member
Artisan Retailer
I received a call from Ross Holmgren in June or July of 2024 that immediately piqued my interest. Ross was the machinist and a primary designer for the first several models of Paradigm Razors (From the Ti-1 through the first run of the Diamondback...five models in all). Ross had just purchased a new 4 axis CNC machine and was starting his very own machine shop. More exciting, he wanted to strike out on his own to produce a new brand of razor. The Ascender was born.

A small group of us has been testing out prototypes for his first model -The Ascender Eagle. After several iterations, Ross has come up with a model that is efficient yet feels mild with just the right amount of blade feel. Production has started and the razors should be ready by early March. I am including a few photos of the prototype. While the prototype is stainless steel, the production razors will be Titanium and will retail for around $385.00

Meet Ross. You may not know Ross but you undoubtedly know of Ross. Ross is the machinist who made the first several models of Paradigm razors (through the Diamondback). He will soon be making his own line of razors that will be available through Bullgoose and eventually through his site as well. The man is on a mission!

Hello everyone! I want to join in on the fun and drop off some photos to show some of the experiences I've had on this journey and some of the photos of the Ascender Razors, Eagle. When I get a little extra time here, I'd like to create a thread about some of the highlights of the journey and even do some writing on some of the experiences while making the paradigm razors.

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Jan 2024 when I drove down to Kansas from Minnesota to buy the flatbed I would use to drive around the country, in search of a good machine to make razors with! I then went to Tampa, Florida in the truck to buy a machine, only to find out that it did not match the pictures, so back to MN I went. From there, I found a good 4th axis machine, located 5 minutes from Oklahoma in Kansas. I like Hurco machines and that's all that I have ever bought, so I did quite a bit of searching to find it.jan 2024 florida.jpg

I Caught some Pretty cool sunsets on the trip as well.


Loading and unloading the machine with forklifts that I rented. When I was in my early 20's, I worked as a forklift operator so I got some good experience doing that.

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In march, I dug the trench to run electrical from my house to the garage.

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Got the machine in the shop and started wiring it up

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Some seriously beautiful razors! Definitely a serious contender...even for a beard grower like myself.