The Shaving Cadre

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I met Ian from Oz Shaving


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
So, I noticed on Oz Shaving’s Facebook page, that they would be attending an artisan/craft fair at Union Station in Kansas City. This is about an hour or so from my house, but I drive to KC all the time so it’s not a big deal. I decided to make the trip to the fair, so I could meet Ian and see what he brings to such events.

He had 3 tables set up. Two were display, and one was for tubs to open and sniff....

If you are not familiar with Oz Shaving, they are a small artisan company from Overland Park, KS (outskirts of KC). Their entire line of soaps, aftershave, and brushes are themed around the Oz stories by L. Frank Baum. (Not just the Wizard of Oz movie, but the whole 14 book series).

I met Ian and his wife and both were very nice. I asked if she helped out with making any of their products, and she said, no, it was all him. He makes all their soaps, aftershaves, balms, & beard care himself. I also learned that not only does he turn all the handles himself, but he also pours all the blanks. I thought that was really neat, as I really enjoy the handles he makes. He was also big into sculpting before he stayed down this path and he has sculpted the molds for the Ram brush, Jack brush, and Octopus brush himself. I love his soaps, but I’m really in awe of his brushes. They are really well done and look much better in person.

Our time was short, but I really hope to meet up with Ian some other time to discuss his wet shaving passions & business. Maybe do a full interview for my VLOG!

Cool meetup KJ!

What is it with traditional shaver vendors and facial hair/scruffy look though lol...
Cool meetup KJ!

What is it with traditional shaver vendors and facial hair/scruffy look though lol...
I think he just gets 5 O’clock shadow pretty easily. His wife commented on my beard, and I said I really hated not-shaving. She said Ian was the same way and never goes more than a couple days without shaving. I’m guessing he was too busy getting ready for the show to shave today.
VERY cool and thanks for sharing. Keep getting drawn to the brush to the left of Ian an you in the pic. Bottom 2nd from the left with white perhaps cashmere knot in black and orange/red handle.....
Really nice KJ and thanks for sharing. I NEED some of his brushes!
Keep getting drawn to the brush to the left of Ian an you in the pic. Bottom 2nd from the left with white perhaps cashmere knot in black and orange/red handle.....
He had a few brushes on display that aren’t on his site, that look to be one of them. If you send him a message, I’m sure he could get you that one, or at least give you a better pic of it. The knots in that pic aren’t set, so you can get whatever knot you want in them. He also does custom work.
Very nice meet up KJ. His stuff looks interesting. Does the list ever end of stuff I will tab in my head as needing to try or buy?
Having sculpted myself I can appreciate his brushes for sure.