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How to hold that last bit of your alum block


TSC’s International Man of Meh
I use the Crystal deo stick (pictured below) as my alum block. However, what to do when the block get down so low that the plastic handle is hiding the last inch of the block? Why, "cut it out," of course! Alas, the newly liberated alum can be hard to hold and prone to slippage, which can easily result in a shattering in the foreseeable future.

I was at a job fair and various companies were giving out junk swag and I ended up with a half dozen of them useless interesting smartphone pop-out grips which have adhesive on one side. Since my alum block had recently been liberated from its base, I decided to use said pop-out grip on the base of the stone to function as a handle. In the worse case, it would fall off and my alum would shatter... *meh* ... so off I went.

It has now been about 3 weeks since applying and it is holding up extremely well. I think I figured out a shaving hack that works! .... and yes, you can probably do this with a normal alum block, provided that it is flat on one side.
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Ok. Well, what about when you have just a block of alum with no handle? I've been using the same block of Gentleman Jon alum since I started shaving back in late 2014 or 2014 (can't remember). It's now getting pretty small. I may just wrap a rubber band around it and see how long that lasts.
Wow I can't believe that actually worked lol.

My current alum stick separated from the handle a long time ago. It's now about the same size as the one you have pictured with the cell phone handle on it. I just hold it by the sides when applying.
@MntnMan62 As long as one side is flat, it should adhere. However, if you have been rubbing both sides on your face, it might be too smooth or no longer actually flat. In either case, a few strokes with a flat file should be enough to prep the surface for sticking the grip on.