The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hola new friends


I was made aware of this fine site/community today by 2 very nice gentleman. So, I signed up and I’m excited to be a positive, contributing member.

I’ve been into this odd, yet very intriguing hobby for about 6 years now. I started like many with an EJ89 razor, $10 Boar brush, and tub of Prorasso!

These days I find myself reaching for my Timeless, Karve and Rockwell 6S Razors... I love Grooming Dept soaps and have a respectable stable of Badger Brushes.

Anyways, I hope to get to know you all better and have fun chatting it up.

-Paul (Bad Badger)
Hi Paul! Welcome to the Cadre!

Based on your avatar, you’ll fit right in. We have a thread full of videos of our pepper challenges.
Paul welcome to cadre! Happy to see you made your way over here! You will fit right in.
Welcome aboard Paul. Looking at your hardware, you are a man of good taste.
Welcome Paul! Sounds like you’re well on your way down the traditional shaving path! GD has some great soaps. I bet you’ve love CBL too!
Welcome to the Cadre Paul. I bet KJ would send you a Scorpion pepper to do the challenge if you wanted
No peppers in my garden....... just dead weeds. Wont have any peppers till summer.
Welcome to the Cadre! We are so happy that you found our humble corner of the interwebz! Find a conversation that you like and jump right on in!
So happy to have you here. Your gear list is strong, I would imagine you are enjoying your shaves quite a bit. I have found that I enjoy the vintage gear (mostly straights but i’ve Got it all) most. I enjoy the workmanship of a GOOD modern razor but I enjoy the simplicity and affordability of good vintage stuff more.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Glad to be here!

One question if I may...

Is it possible to get this site to work properly on an Apple iPhone? I'm having issues with navigation, forums refreshing and the site freezing up. Normally I'd just use the site on my work computer, but this site is blocked there (they block a lot of sites).

Has anyone been able to get this site to work well in the Tapatalk app on the iphone, or any other tips would be greatly appreciated!

I still have my home laptop that I can use in the late evenings/weekends... but using my the iphone would be ideal.

Thanks so much.