The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hola de Texas


Shave Newbie
New shaver, (kinda) I kept a full beard or circle beard for the past 2 decades almost. Since the govt lockdowns, I decided to learn how to shave with a straight razor. I have MS and it's a challenge sometimes, but I recently learned that I didn't have to use both hands as I'm led to believe by watching the youtubes. I learned DE wet shaving as well. I'm learning how to develop a nice lather. I have Straight razor Sunday, and the rest of the week I DE shave. When I used to shave with cartridges I always got ingrown hairs which is why I went to an electric trimmer. Never got real close but ingrown were a thing of the past. Now I'm shaving close, smooth and no ingrown hairs yet.

I'm probably going to spend most of my time here lurking, but you may see me pop up every so often.
Chuck from Texas
Welcome to the Cadre, Chuck. Congrats on picking up a straight. It can be well worth the effort and becomes as easy as using a DE once you get into the groove.
Welcome to The Cadre Chuck!

Most folks straight shave with two hands because it’s easier to see that way, when you switch sides, you hand can block your view. But you can overcome that or just hold it differently to make it less of an issue. There are no rules to this shaving thing. You just have to find what works for you.

And we have many you tubers on this site. Check out the members video section. We’re always happy to help also. If you gave a question or want something demonstrated, just ask.
Welcome Chuck! Glad you could join us.

What are your favorite traditional shaving items so far?
I appreciate all the welcomes. Thanks.

Welcome Chuck! Glad you could join us.

What are your favorite traditional shaving items so far?
Wow. Thanks for the question. My vintage "Pearl Dry" Straight razor is probably my favorite item of all the things I own. Of my Safety razors, my 1953 Gillette Tech w/black Bakelite handle over everything DE, my Feather Popular runs a close second. My synthetic brushes do a pretty good job, but my Art of Shaving "Pure Badger" brush outshines them. I'm trying different Soaps, creams, and AS gear so I haven't picked favorites of them yet.
Welcome to The Cadre Chuck!

Most folks straight shave with two hands because it’s easier to see that way, when you switch sides, you hand can block your view. But you can overcome that or just hold it differently to make it less of an issue. There are no rules to this shaving thing. You just have to find what works for you.

And we have many you tubers on this site. Check out the members video section. We’re always happy to help also. If you gave a question or want something demonstrated, just ask.

Thanks. The issue with 2 handed SR shave is due to MS. I don't have the same feeling, or control in my left as my right. And some random twitches and jerks almost made me give up Straights, but I persevered. Someone on another forum mentioned they SR shave with their dominant hand only. Then I found out that my son, who SR shaves with a shavette, also uses only his strong hand. My earlier shaves didn't have the same issues since I was using razors made in Pakistan and they weren't as sharp as my newer purchases. I've twitched and cut myself with a shavette, my Vintage Pearl Dry and my professionally honed Gold Dollar 66. Today will be my first, 1 handed SR shave. I plan on being successful even if it takes longer to figure out some new grips.

I saw a video of an armless man shaving, so I can't surrender to the challenge.
Glad you found your way here Chuck! Don't be a stranger and post a comment or a question once in a while. Welcome to TSC!