The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hi, I'm Rod and I make soap

Joe Hackett

Stirling Soap Co.
Artisan Retailer
Hi everyone. I'm Rod and along with my wife Mandy I run Stirling. I'm really happy to see what is being done with this site. I hope it continues to grow and that I can be a part of pushing that growth. I'll do my best to check in and be an active member. although with a newborn at home and trying to restore a 100 year old building for us to move into, my time online is a bit limited these days. I look forward to chatting with you all.
Welcome Rod! I'm a big Big Fan. I've got an order inbound, and can't wait to smell the Christmas Eve soap!

Sounds like you have enough to keep your time occupied, but we do appreciate any information or insight you can give!
Welcome to the Cadre Rod! So glad to have you a part of things. You sure know how to get this crews attention with a thread title like that ! Lol. Putting an order together myself soon to add MORE Stirling goodness to the den.
Rod happy to see you here now that we can officially welcome you! I know the members are going to be excited to learn more about Stirling! If you have any questions please let us know and thanks for supporting TSC!
Welcome Rod! Congratulations on the newborn! You know it’s never to early for baby to learn the craft secrets! ?

The resto sounds like a big job, but perhaps you chose that location for a reason?
I'll add to the the soap.

Welcome aboard and congratulations on the new baby!
Thanks Rod for checking in! We appreciate your support of TSC! Welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome Rod! I enjoy your products and must say your brushes are one of the best values in the wet shaving world!
Howdy Rod! Good to see you checking it. Just in the last month or two I acquired for the first time one of your brushes and the heel cream. Both great values!

Hope you can find time to stroll through the forums from time to time.
Hi, I'm Dave & I use soap!

Welcome to the Cadre Rod, glad you've joined us. With your busy family schedule & business schedule, every minute is precious. I appreciate you giving some of your valuable time to TSC. I've got your products, & like others, think they are outstanding. I need to place another order soon. Take care, all the best to you & your family!
Howdy Rod! Good to see you checking it. Just in the last month or two I acquired for the first time one of your brushes and the heel cream. Both great values!

Hope you can find time to stroll through the forums from time to time.
You had more things in that order Dave.....................what was the rest "Called"?
Welcome Rod. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, all of it good. I wish you luck on the building, renovations tend to be more than you expected. I look forward to having you around.
Welcome to TSC, Rod! There are a lot of Stirling fans around here, myself included. Love the quote! Terry Pratchett?
Great to have you aboard here at The Shaving Cadre, Rod! Been using your soaps for almost the duration of my time wet-shaving and you're one of the first artisans I recommend to newcomers to this great hobby! Great bath soaps and creams as well!!!!!!
Great to have you here, Rod. Congrats on the newborn! I hope your restoration goes well.

I love your products, especially anything in your Vanilla Sandalwood or Ben Franklin scents. Thanks for all that you do.
Glad to see you join us here at the Cadre. I am a big fan of soaps, after shaves and bath soaps. Keep up the good work and congrats on the new baby.
Happy shaves