The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hi from Rome (italy)

Howdy! We were in your city for a few days just last month. Glad you have you here and hope you're happy with the move to DEs. Tons of folks here to help.
Welcome! Glad you could join in!

You have access to some great soaps over there in Italy! Any favorites?
Welcome to TSC @candy2014 ! I think you will find that we are a most agreeable group here. On your wet shaving journey...ask us questions if you have any!
Welcome to The Cadre! Is there something you’d like us to call you, or do you prefer to just go by Candy?

Also, what made you decide to go with a slant for your first DE? They can be very aggressive, and not really what I’d recommend for someone just learning how to use a DE. There is a little bit of a learning curve if just now leaving carts.

Either way, great to have you here and let us know if you have any questions or need any help!
Welcome To the Cadre, amigo.

What shave soap are you using? Anything besides Cella that's unique to Italy ?
welcome to the cadre!!!!! If you need help with anything along your journey there is a knowledge base here that rivals the library of congress as far as traditional wet shaving is concerned.
Welcome aboard. A personal trainer uh. We could all use some help in that department!😆

I'm also interested in the soaps you use.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Glad to hear you’ve decided to join our crew. Everyone is super helpful so please ask all the questions you want!