The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hi , from Florida.

Welcome Jill! We have a large population of VLOGers here. Check out the media forum! We’re glad to have you join us here. Welcome to The Cadre!
Welcome Jill!

What are your favorite hardware/software items right now?
My two top modern razors are the CB Karve and the Rockwell 6C. I have a collection of Vintage Gillette and GEM Razors also. I love using the GEM razors as they are so effective!
Some of my favorite blades are: Kai, Nacet, PolSilver, Perma-Sharp
As to Soaps: Any of the new DK-6 Formula soaps from Phoenix Shaving, Zingari Man Soaps, Ginger's Garden products.
Love Barbedeaux Aftershave Lotion for its healing properties
My two top modern razors are the CB Karve and the Rockwell 6C. I have a collection of Vintage Gillette and GEM Razors also. I love using the GEM razors as they are so effective!
Some of my favorite blades are: Kai, Nacet, PolSilver, Perma-Sharp
As to Soaps: Any of the new DK-6 Formula soaps from Phoenix Shaving, Zingari Man Soaps, Ginger's Garden products.
Love Barbedeaux Aftershave Lotion for its healing properties
The lady has great taste!
Welcome Jill! So happy to see you here! I hope you find enough stuff here to keep you suitably entertained. We are indeed a merry band, and from what Ive learned of you through your vlog, I think you will like it here!
Welcome to TSC Jill! It is really nice of you to stop by and class the place up a bit! 🤪 Seriously though...Welcome to the Cadre. Sit down, relax, and jump in a conversation! We look forward to seeing what you have to say!