The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hi all!


Shave Newbie
Hi all,

My username is pronounced Gillette LOL.

I have been shaving with a blade and cream ever since puberty starting with Trac 2 and with a brief interlude in using an electric shaver for like two months in my teens and then I switched back to blade shaving. I switched to DE 15 years ago. I am almost 50 years old and switched to SE razors because I have a very tough beard. I occasionally use DE razors.

I have an artist club shavette but I rarely use it.

I stumbled upon this forum when I came across BarberDave on YouTube while looking for a Saponificio Verasino shave soap! BarberDaves Straight razor videos are outstanding!

Hope to make new friends here!

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@gLet Welcome aboard! You have found a great group of guys.

What SEs are you using? I've pretty much abandoned my DE razors.
Welcome to the TSC! I think the Blackland Vector is about the best SE razor I’ve ever used. Have you tried it?
Welcome @gLet ! Dave’s got some masterful shave skills for sure! You should pick up that shavette more often! Love my Feather SS folding.

Glad you could join in!
Welcome! I keep forgetting to finish watching Dave's videos, so thanks for reminding me to do that! 🤣 Jump into conversations that you find interesting, even if it's an old thread.
I have the Ever-Ready 1924, GEM MMOC, PAA Starling, the TNNSR and The Lamborghini of them all....The blackland Vector.
Nice line-up. Good mix of old and new. Looks like you like your razors on the aggressive side.
Nice line-up. Good mix of old and new. Looks like you like your razors on the aggressive side.

They have to be to mow down my stubble lol.
I also use the RazoRock Wunderbar with a feather blade which are only good upto two shave for me.

I have many DE razors as well. The Red Tip, Super Adjustable and PAA Ascension being my favorite.

But my favorite DE razors always change for me lol

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Welcome to the forum @gLet . I've only been here a few weeks, but I have to say this has to be the friendliest, most fun group of people on any forum anywhere.

I think you'll really like it here.