The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


Hello! Am new to this forum, but have been wet shaving for a while now. Am a well known member of several other fourms, but thought i would give TSC a shot. The small community makes it somehow seem special, plus the tight knit sense of community is best IMO.

My main passion and reason for wet shaving is soaps. Once i found out soaps come in any scent possible, i was immediatly sold on the idea. Tons of great artisans to try and experiment with, all with their own scent intrepretations and lather qualities. It is really the best time to be a part of this awesome hobby.
Welcome on! Glad you could join in.

What are your favorite soaps so far? Razors?
Soaps? We are supposed to like soaps around here? I don't know anyone who has soaps...
Really though...I kid! Welcome to TSC! Glad you found our little corner of the interwebs! Pull up a chair and drop in on a conversation! We look forward to hearing what you have to say! Welcome to the Cadre!
Soaps? We are supposed to like soaps around here? I don't know anyone who has soaps...
Really though...I kid! Welcome to TSC! Glad you found our little corner of the interwebs! Pull up a chair and drop in on a conversation! We look forward to hearing what you have to say! Welcome to the Cadre!
He's probably tried more soaps then anyone I know or at least the lesser named ones. I look forward to his thoughts too.
Welcome to the Cadre, hope you enjoy yourself. Don't forget to review the TOU's and have fun
Welcome on! Glad you could join in.

What are your favorite soaps so far? Razors?
Welcome on! Glad you could join in.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Since starting wet shaving i have tried somewhere around 300 different soaps/creams ( give or take) and enjoy passing out samples so others can try some lesser known soaps. Its hard to pick favorites since there are so many talented artisans these days, but if i had to pick a few they would be:

Grooming Dept
Square One Soapworks
Ellegant Rose
Wet The Face (specifically the sunflower oil formula)
Tiki (Vegan)
Siliski Soaps
Perfectly Natural
Soap Smooth (War Blend)

Some of these barely get mentioned on the fourms, but are ones that stand out performance wise IMO.

As far as razors go i havent tried many modern ones but the one i use the most is a Wilkinson Sword Classic. It is a cheap razor that is mild but gives excellent shaves. Wish i had tried one sooner, it would have saved a lot of money and agression lol.
Out of your list I have one of them and only tried a couple more. Guess I need to broaden my horizons. I have the Ballenclaugh Honey & Tobacco and man that is nice soap with an intoxicating scent!