The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


My name is Kirk and I’ve been wet shaving since 2013 and have been apart of numerous forums. I have heard TSC is the place to be in 2022 due to the warmth and generosity of the members. There are no biases on this forum. Awesome!

I specialize in using primarily shavettes for my shaves. I own all of the Feather AC series, both in scaled version and Kamisori. I also own a large collection of vintage Gillettes and straight razors. My brush collection is 30+ of the highest quality of badger. I truly enjoy this hobby with a passion.

I’m glad to be apart of this wet shaving family.


Kirk @ The Cutthroat Journey
“Feel the Passion.”
Welcome Kirk! Glad you could join in!

Sounds like shavettes are your “thing” currently. I’m on a Tedalus Essence kick since I received it a couple weeks ago…but the Feather SS was may main open blade for a looooooong time!

Have you gotten or at least used an Essence yet?
Welcome Kirk! Glad you could join in!

Sounds like shavettes are your “thing” currently. I’m on a Tedalus Essence kick since I received it a couple weeks ago…but the Feather SS was may main open blade for a looooooong time!

Have you gotten or at least used an Essence yet?
Thank you! I have not tried the Essence yet but have heard great things. I will be getting one eventually. Maybe around the holidays. The SS is a great razor!
Welcome to The Cadre!!!

After reading your post, I was also going to recommend you check out the Tedalus……
Even though I have yet to try one myself. I’m solidly a Weck man, when I use a “shavette”.