The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


Figured I would come over to the Dark Side of shaving forums ?

I’m shocked to see how many familiar ids I see here. Wish someone had asked me to come sooner.
Welcome to TSC, Kevin! It's only "the dark side" if you practice the "S"
Welcome to the Cadre. Glad you finally found your way over.
Nice to have you here Kevin, I was hoping you’d find your way here. Plenty going on here and always room for more.

Dave in KY is a star recruiter of new members, I figured he might have been the one to let you know about us.
We are graced by the presence of the Darth Lord!!! Glad to have you here Kevin! This place just got quite a bit more interesting!
One question I have. Is there Tapatalk access to this forum?
nope, tapatalk is actually not accepting new platforms. Our platform, is far from perfect but it is being developed to include some of the features you would expect or hope to see in an Internet forum. An example is the ability to tag someone with the @ sign, not currently available but it’s close (apparently programmers use the word “close” in reference to things they expect to get done before the sun burns out because it’s been close for s long time). There are two ways to view the forum and When using a mobile device one will look better than the other.
An example is the ability to tag someone with the @ sign, not currently available but it’s close (apparently programmers use the word “close” in reference to things they expect to get done before the sun burns out because it’s been close for s long time).
