The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello TSC

Hi Shaving Cadre,
I just found your forum and see a lot of familiar names. Looks like a great group you have here. I look forward to joining the conversation. I've been wet shaving for about 5 years and have had all the addictions. Some of them I've gotten control of, others not so much ?
Welcome Rob! 5 years is a good bit of time put in...what are you liking at the moment?
Good to see you Rob. Welcome to the Cadre!
Welcome to the cadre! Happy to have you here
Welcome to TSC Rob! Glad you found our little corner of the interwebs!
Welcome Rob! 5 years is a good bit of time put in...what are you liking at the moment?

Not much to report in the brush or razor department, as i have not invested much in 2018. I use badger brushes from the old school brands, and the same Gillette single ring for most of my shaves. But I still have a weakness for soaps. My staples are Mystic water and Mike's, but there is a constant flow of purchases and sales. Some winners for me lately are Wholly Kaw Pasha's Pride, Long Rifle Voyageur & Storybook Hallward's Dream.
Not much to report in the brush or razor department, as i have not invested much in 2018. I use badger brushes from the old school brands, and the same Gillette single ring for most of my shaves. But I still have a weakness for soaps. My staples are Mystic water and Mike's, but there is a constant flow of purchases and sales. Some winners for me lately are Wholly Kaw Pasha's Pride, Long Rifle Voyageur & Storybook Hallward's Dream.

Great list! You’ll get there on the razors I’m sure, soap are fun to try out too though!
Great list! You’ll get there on the razors I’m sure, soap are fun to try out too though!

Thanks! I should clarify - I did spend time evaluating razors in the past, but always came back to the single ring. Once in a while I will use other vintage razors. But thankfully for my wallet, I have not felt the pull to chase modern razors.
Welcome. I like your list of soaps. I know it isn't quite as luxurious as the others on your list but Longrifle is a favorite of mine too. The voyageur is probably my favorite but I have every scent and not one of them is objectionable.

We have a soap sample swap library, perhaps you will be able to feed your need there. All you need is 30 days of membership and 35 quality posts.
Welcome. I like your list of soaps. I know it isn't quite as luxurious as the others on your list but Longrifle is a favorite of mine too. The voyageur is probably my favorite but I have every scent and not one of them is objectionable.

We have a soap sample swap library, perhaps you will be able to feed your need there. All you need is 30 days of membership and 35 quality posts.

Thank you. I recently finished off my 3oz of Voyageur, so will be trying a new scent soon. There will be a trip to Pasteurs in the near future to sniff a few.

The soap sample library looks awesome. Thank you for the tip.
I've got a huge PIF going now. Ends tomorrow, end of day. If you can get 10 posts by then, you qualify.
Check the PIF subforum.
Howdy and welcome. We'll see what we can do to help with those ADs you have gotten under control ?