The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello to New and Old Friends


Master TSC Shave Member
Hello TSC,

My name is Ryan and I've been doing this whole wet shaving thing since late 2013 and have been active on "that other" shaving forum for just about equally as long. Spent the time between 2014 and 2017 acquiring far too many soaps, creams, razors, blades, and splashes, as well as taking part in many passaround boxes and various seasonal events. Took a 3 year hiatus from the general community from 2017 until a couple of months ago as life got busy as I got married, move from downtown Chicago to the suburbs, and recently welcomed our first son into a crazy Covid existence unlike anything we could have imagined.

Fast forward to now and having worked through my entire soap and creme stash as well as most of my blades, the broader community has definitely expanded even further than it existed back between 2013 and 2017. Between all the new artisans in the soap world, new companies creating razor handles and heads, and even more shops online to shop for everything, it was like coming back to an entirely new world.

I recognize many names here on TSC, and look forward to connecting with both new and old friends alike.

Hello TSC,

My name is Ryan and I've been doing this whole wet shaving thing since late 2013 and have been active on "that other" shaving forum for just about equally as long. Spent the time between 2014 and 2017 acquiring far too many soaps, creams, razors, blades, and splashes, as well as taking part in many passaround boxes and various seasonal events. Took a 3 year hiatus from the general community from 2017 until a couple of months ago as life got busy as I got married, move from downtown Chicago to the suburbs, and recently welcomed our first son into a crazy Covid existence unlike anything we could have imagined.

Fast forward to now and having worked through my entire soap and creme stash as well as most of my blades, the broader community has definitely expanded even further than it existed back between 2013 and 2017. Between all the new artisans in the soap world, new companies creating razor handles and heads, and even more shops online to shop for everything, it was like coming back to an entirely new world.

I recognize many names here on TSC, and look forward to connecting with both new and old friends alike.

Good to see you Ryan and Welcome
Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

What are some of your favorite bits of shave gear/software currently?

One benefit to doing 3 years of shave purchase sabbatical is the ability to answer a question like that with confidence!

Razors: Red Tip, Krona, and 37c
Blades: Personna Reds and Astra SPs
Soaps: Stirling, Mystic Waters, Williams (vintage and modern)
Creams: Palmolive, Godrej
Splashes: Old Spice, AV and Clubman

I've learned that most expensive artisan offerings didn't feel "worth" the price for me and that a couple of the tried and true ones along with some mass produced will make up most of my den. Also clearly tend towards old school US drug store splashes still widely available.

That said, @CBLindsay sent me pucks of Williams Tonsorial and Colgate years ago which introduced me to vintage soaps and that's an entirely different discussion!

Welcome to The Cadre Ryan!

If you were actually able to work through your stash..... then there is no way you acquired far too many.... just saying.

Ha! My wife would say otherwise that's for sure!

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Glad to see you made your way to TSC Ryan! Congrats on the Rugrat! My wife and I are expecting in October. Welcome to the Cadre,!
Glad to see you joined us here at TSC.

Look forward to hearing more about your shaves. I'm not sure I could go as long as you did without making any purchases.

I was just thinking about that a few weeks ago. How much things have changed in the wet shave community over the last 3 year's or so.