The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello there! Just stopping by.


Jr. Shave Member
Hello, hope everyone's doing well. Just joined recently after hearing good things about this forum. Hope to have some good discussions and talks about wet shaving and stuff!

Right now, I'm about 2 years mark into wet shaving and fell in the rabbithole pretty hard. Plenty of soap, brushes, and razors to rotate through. I still enjoy looking through new selections and cool gears but I'm slowly settling down to my favorites and attempting to restrain through some months.

Some of my favorites gears are: Gillette Slim Twist, Razorock Mamba 53, CJB kamisori shavette, Stirling Orange Chill/Barbershop, Palmolive shave cream, and my Craving Shaving brushes.

Hello, hope everyone's doing well. Just joined recently after hearing good things about this forum. Hope to have some good discussions and talks about wet shaving and stuff!

Right now, I'm about 2 years mark into wet shaving and fell in the rabbithole pretty hard. Plenty of soap, brushes, and razors to rotate through. I still enjoy looking through new selections and cool gears but I'm slowly settling down to my favorites and attempting to restrain through some months.

Some of my favorites gears are: Gillette Slim Twist, Razorock Mamba 53, CJB kamisori shavette, Stirling Orange Chill/Barbershop, Palmolive shave cream, and my Craving Shaving brushes.

Welcome aboard! Glad to see you made it over.
Welcome to the Cadre! Glad to have you here. Only 2 years into this? So much to learn, but we’re here to help.
Happy you found our little corner of the inter-webz! Pull up a chair and jump into a conversation. We have so much to tell you and I am sure there is plenty we can learn from you also! Welcome to TSC!