The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

hello hello

Welcome to The Cadre! Glad to have you here. How long have you been wet shaving?
Welcome @samupun! Glad you could join us.

What are some of your favorite traditional shaving bit of gear and software currently?
Super happy you found our humble corner of the internet! Welcome to TSC!!!
@GearNoir @Spider

while i am current setup is on the double edge shaving.
Started with the Merkur 34 and then upgraded to the Tatara Masamune
Blade wise, usually the Gillette Super Plat. 7'0 in black cover paper or Feather.
Tried the other blades but these two do the best in terms of cutting, quality, and multiple uses

Tried several sample soaps...more like a behemoth of samples of all types....
But settled on Eufros, Daisho, Joserra [all three from Spain and purchased directly by the soap makers] and Martin de Candre [English Shaving Company / MdC direct purchase]....
Recently placed an order for Ethos, Fire Line, and CBL.....these are all American and never sampled these but I like soap makers that are in less marketing side and usually do pretty well in my experience with the Spain vendors...
That and I got lucky with the purchases. Tried some of the other American soap makers but really just focus on simplicity, ingredients, performance over scent, and greatly value "humbleness" of the makers. No to say others are not.

As far as soaps more after today. I got enough for the rest of my life.....

Brush wise...ShaveMac Silvertip D01 three band. Had some other ones but this one fits the need so donated the Omega boar and other badger brush [name?]....
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Tried several sample soaps...more like a behemoth of samples of all types....
Daunting isn’t it?
Recently placed an order for Ethos, Fire Line, and CBL...
Solid Choices! (You mean First Line...)
As far as soaps more after today. I got enough for the rest of my life.....
Don’t we all? Still, those are famous last words. Eventually you’ll find something else. We all do. I bought First Line after saying I wasn’t going to add any new artisans to me den.