The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Upstate NY

Welcome Mr Doug! Glad to see ya here!

What’s your favorite shave setup right now?
Most of the time I use my Rockwell 6s (2 or 3 plate) and one of my various synths. I pretty much exclusively use Gillette 7 o'clock Black or Nacets.

The other day I used my Lupo, which I haven't touched for months. It was awesome. So, all bets are off.

Soaps changed daily, and there is no real rhyme is reason.
Welcome to TSC! So happy to have you here. I think you will fit in just fine. Pull up a chair and jump into a conversation! Welcome to the Cadre!
A hearty mammoth trumpet from a fellow upstate NY wet shaver! Welcome to the forum. I woke up to 16 degrees this morning, how was it at your place? You won't find a better bunch of guys to hang out with.
A hearty mammoth trumpet from a fellow upstate NY wet shaver! Welcome to the forum. I woke up to 16 degrees this morning, how was it at your place? You won't find a better bunch of guys to hang out with.
Cold... Very cold. I believe it was expected to break records in our neck of the woods. My handy-dandy weather app says it was around the same and -1 with the wind chill. Brrrr. Time to break out the winter shave soaps.
Cold... Very cold. I believe it was expected to break records in our neck of the woods. My handy-dandy weather app says it was around the same and -1 with the wind chill. Brrrr. Time to break out the winter shave soaps.

I don't mind letting the dog out after a shave when it's this cold. Nature's menthol treatment to the face :LOL: