The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello From Tucson


"The Minuteman"
Concierge Emeritus
Figured i should introduce myself. Been using a straight razor for about 6 years. I love using Old Steel with my favorites tending to be from England, and i have even done some restorations. I'm no expert in this hobby but i do enjoy helping people get started when i can.'

I look forward to hanging out with you folks,

Thanks for stopping by Kyle! Welcome to the Cadre! I think you will fit in just fine around here! Definitely a lot of straight users...I myself am just venturing into the world of straights. We look forward to hearing what you have to say! And once again...Welcome to TSC!
Welcome Kyle! Thanks for checking us out.

You’ll fit right in here as an SR lover! What kind of soaps do you like right now?
Welcome to the Cadre Kyle. Happy you found us!
Good to see you migrate here Kyle, it was good chatting with you, the other day. Welcome!!
Welcome Kyle! Thanks for checking us out.

You’ll fit right in here as an SR lover! What kind of soaps do you like right now?

My 3 Go to soaps right now are MWF, Dr. Jon's Big Green Monster, and Chieled Face's Cryogen... I might be addicted to Menthol
I dunno, I think 6 years makes you an expert. Welcome to the cadre.