The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello From Texas


Shave Member
I have been wet shaving since the mid 70's, but only switched to DE/SE six years ago due to ingrown hairs that started in the late 70's when I switched from the Gillette Trac II to their Atra. My father used DE, but had switched to a Gillette Techmatic "band" razor before going to a Trac II and finally the Gillette Good News. He never said anything to me about shaving so I began basically on my own. In the Spring of 2013 I noticed a lot of hubub on another forum type regarding DE shaving so I bought a used Schick Krona for $12 and ordered a tub of Cella and a Semogue black pure badger brush. A local small grocer sold Israeli Personna blades and I became "hooked" after the first pass so to speak.

I have gone through the RAD and settled on a post-war English Gillette "ball end" Tech as my daily driver, but now & then I use a Schick injector which I think is a better "mousetrap", but with a limited blade selection nowadays. I have taken a scientific approach to this matter and have read profusely on modern Gillette blade patents and have formed my belief that blade sharpness is a myth pure & simple. It is the blade coating(s) and sputtering which impart the smoothness and not sharpness, cutthroat razors excepted due to their mass. I am also of the belief that what you use as a pre-shave wash is vastly underrated and understudied as to its overall influence on a shave. Of course, as many know the soap/cream selected is just as important if not moreso. Good prep & a great soap can aid a blade greatly, however I think the soap part has gone a little overboard as of late with more "weight" in many reviews being geared toward the post shave face "feel" which has no bearing on how a soap performs in general. You are simply paying for what amounts to balm in the soap. However, to be fair there are a few artisans soaps that indeed do both extremely well, e.g., A&E, DG Icarus, Sudsy Soapery & Lisa's Artisan line.

Always remember that you cannot get a good shave until you know how to shave.
Welcome aboard. Sound like you have put alot of thought into this. Look forward to hearing more as you jump in around here.
Welcome to The Cadre!

Interesting journey.

I disagree with what you say about the soaps with good post shaves. I mean, I get where you are coming from. But my top soaps leave my face feeling better than any Post Shave Product ever has. There's just something special about those soaps that totally make it worth it to me.
Welcome to The Cadre!

Interesting journey.

I disagree with what you say about the soaps with good post shaves. I mean, I get where you are coming from. But my top soaps leave my face feeling better than any Post Shave Product ever has. There's just something special about those soaps that totally make it worth it to me.

Yes, but I think many men just grab a cheap balm at the Dollar type stores when better are available. I will share a secret of what I use pre & post shave as a facial wash and it's unbelievable how great my skin looks now as to a few years back. I use this as a pre-wash:

CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser

And this in the shower for my face after I shave:

Normaderm Gel Cleanser | Vichy USA

The salicylic acid in the latter is a chemical exfoliant that prevents ingrown hairs and it has a couple other anti-aging acids. These soap artisans are merely loading up on the various type butters and those are great moisturizers which you are noticing, but hyaluronic, glycolic & salicylic acids in a face wash are light years ahead.
First welcome to the Cadre!

It is the blade coating(s) and sputtering which impart the smoothness and not sharpness,

Second I have been doing a series on bad blades it is in the DE section of the site. And I am coming to this conclusion.
Welcome to TSC @Bogeyman!

And this in the shower for my face after I shave:
So you shave in the shower or you shower after you shave? A nice hot shower before shaving makes all the difference for me. I get a noticeable better shave if I shower 1st and then shave vs not showering and just washing my face.
Howdy and welcome!

Welcome to TSC @Bogeyman!
So you shave in the shower or you shower after you shave? A nice hot shower before shaving makes all the difference for me. I get a noticeable better shave if I shower 1st and then shave vs not showering and just washing my face.
This for me too. I’ve even taken to making my lather before my shower when I can to lessen the time between shower end and shave start.
Welcome to TSC @Bogeyman!

So you shave in the shower or you shower after you shave? A nice hot shower before shaving makes all the difference for me. I get a noticeable better shave if I shower 1st and then shave vs not showering and just washing my face.

I shower first along with a face wash in the shower with at least 2 - 3 minutes of hot water on my face and then step out drying everything but my face. I lather up & shave and I then briefly return to the shower for a rinse and the post-shave face wash.
Welcome, glad you joined The Cadre. I enjoyed your first post/introduction. I have been using a salicylic cream on my face the past few months a few of times a week & have seen good results. I need to check into the two cleansers you mentioned.